Wearing athletic shorts while eating an entire pizza. PGP.
Woke up at 4 a.m. to watch The Open and now I can’t stay awake at work. PGP.
Sometimes I wonder if I took a nap in the supply closet, how long it would take my boss to find me. PGP.
My coworkers always think I’m hungover when I’m really just tired. I wish I was as cool as they think. PGP.
My manager saw me wearing aviators and now everytime I call him he answers with, “Talk to me Goose.” PGP.
Leaving my job in a week. All this time, I didn’t realize it was possible to do so little work and get away with it. PGP.
The next 5 to 10 generations of LeBron James’ relatives already have more money than I ever will. PGP.
Getting a new match on Tinder gives me the same false promise that my degree did. PGP.
I brought donuts to the office today. My boss told everyone it was him. PGP.