Sincerely being too old for this shit. PGP.
Coming in for a full day with nothing to do but attend a meeting scheduled for the last hour. PGP.
Well today has turned into a run out the clock situation…..again
Holy shit, I can’t do this for the rest of my life…PGP.
My life goal is to be so successful that it hurts my ex girlfriends feelings. PGP
Found out my old middle school bully works at Starbucks. I go there twice a week in a suit. PGP
I found out my current job was posted on LinkedIn, so I applied for it. PGPM.
It’s almost “drive to work in the dark, drive home in the dark” season. PGP.
I literally did nothing at work today. Seriously, nothing. PGP.
Getting yelled at by your boss because you have been making the intern water the fake plants for the last three months. PGP.