I became a lightweight after losing 120 pounds. I love it, but really have to play it safe/monitor myself. I much prefer the game of taunting friends to “get on my level” instead of blacking out.
Hell no. You can get up and walk anytime you want. Can walk up and down all the cars with the aisles 5 feet wide. Can also chill in the dining car booths for a change in scenery!
I put my Samsung in the oven on the lowest setting possible for 10 minutes and it came back to life. That was after rice failed me for the first time ever. So relieved.
Absolutely needed this today. We put my family’s dog down. 12 years/half my life spent with her.
People still use Twitter?
What are the five main positions? Asking for a friend.
Exactly. It’s a con for Duda cuz he isn’t jacked. Pew pew.
I became a lightweight after losing 120 pounds. I love it, but really have to play it safe/monitor myself. I much prefer the game of taunting friends to “get on my level” instead of blacking out.
Someone submitted an expense report for a vibrator today. So that’s my life at the moment.
You sound pretty psychotic.
Hell no. You can get up and walk anytime you want. Can walk up and down all the cars with the aisles 5 feet wide. Can also chill in the dining car booths for a change in scenery!
I prefer it when you end every comment with “lol”. It adds some light to the darkness
I read the first sentence and almost threw up. Your “hot” takes make me sick, Duda
Don’t tell everyone the margarita secret! More for meeee
But… My job is also purgatory incarnate. Help me.
Agreed. I enjoy the time she disappears between albums.
Hookers and cocaine!
The Monday-ist Wednesday in the history of the world.
I put my Samsung in the oven on the lowest setting possible for 10 minutes and it came back to life. That was after rice failed me for the first time ever. So relieved.
Too many pictures. Do less.
Ehhhh, not even a “just because” (small) gift? Stop being a cheap bastard. No wonder ya aren’t together…
Strangest collection of people at a club I’ve ever seen…