If you’re living at home you really shouldn’t have many bills aside from student loans, so if you still aren’t able to pay off your student loans by 26, then you probably should’ve gone to cheaper school.
Also, fuck teenagers and their misplaced optimism. Let us be.
At least it’s only 4 parts. Getting an FSA has more than twice as many with pass rates hovering around 30% for each (meaning my dumbass is taking each one multiple times). I guess I’ll just have a social life in my 30’s instead of my 20’s…
Band: I’m getting seats and relaxing.
DJ: I’m going floor and dancing up a storm.
At least you acknowledge the red flags, I guess…
And a bucket hat
If you’re living at home you really shouldn’t have many bills aside from student loans, so if you still aren’t able to pay off your student loans by 26, then you probably should’ve gone to cheaper school.
Also, fuck teenagers and their misplaced optimism. Let us be.
I had to explain who Garrix was to coworkers the other day as “the guy who made Animals” and it killed me a little bit inside.
The upside to office flavia is that after drinking that sludge 5 days a week, any normal cup of coffee tastes fantastic.
On a scale of 1-10, just how overrated is Coachella?
But which card is she using for this retail therapy, Todd’s or her dad’s?
Solid insight from a man called DJ Queef
Congrats on keeping your phone charged
Then him.
Sock, you need to chill on the Chainsmokers; they’re just a couple sellouts capitalizing on bringing electronic music to the mainstream.
Rest in peace in peace?
Wearing a sideline polo is just as ridiculous as a jersey, since you aren’t a coach either. Show some damn pride.
Although, I will say that it is a geographical thing. Northerners wear jersey, it’s just that simple.
Have you never met a nurse?
At least it’s only 4 parts. Getting an FSA has more than twice as many with pass rates hovering around 30% for each (meaning my dumbass is taking each one multiple times). I guess I’ll just have a social life in my 30’s instead of my 20’s…
You said that already.
I believe there’s been an oversight.
Considering I just read this, and am posting this, during a meeting, I’d have to agree.