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Welcome to the PGP Mailbag, wherein I will answer questions from you, our readers. Send your questions to dillon@grandex.co.
Been a PGP member since 2013. I have really enjoyed watching the site grow over the years. I appreciated on touching base how open you were with the audience in revealing that you were going through a divorce. I sympathized with your situation but did not realize months later I may be heading down that road myself. I recently found out my wife was having an affair, it was absolutely soul crushing. To think the person you devoted your life to in front of all your friends and family could commit such an act is unfathomable. We have no kids and I know what I need to do but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I didn’t want this. I didn’t ask to be put in this situation. How do I rip the Band-Aid off and just say it?
Fuckkkkkkkkkk. I hate to hit you all with such a negative tone-setting question right from the jump, but you know we keep it one hundred around here and this is some real life shit.
I feel for you, man. I can’t relate, as my split was as amicable as amicable can get, but I do feel for you. Ending a marriage will put anyone through a wide array of emotions, and most of them are pretty tough, but to end one on terms like this has to be devastating. Fuck.
I can’t tell from your phrasing if she’s even aware that you know about the affair. I assume she’s aware and you two have talked extensively about it. If not, that’s step one. Be thankful that you don’t have any kids yet. That takes the split to a whole other level of difficult.
Some couples, even married ones, are able to stay together after someone cheats, but I’d imagine regaining that trust is an uphill battle that you never actually reach the top of. I’d end it in a counseling session. I’d let my counselor know beforehand what the session was about and let them guide you through the conversation. Less stress on you this way.
Hey Dillon,
Quick question-if a guy at the gym asks me (a girl) to “spot” him while doing some sort of lifting exercise, is that a feeble way to hit on me? Or do guys just ask anyone who is close by to help them out? For the record, I always say no. But is that rude?
Unless you’re built like Ronda Rousey, no guy is asking you to spot him without having an ulterior motive. He was hitting on you, plain and simple, and he got denied. It’s not a rude thing at all, but if you’re interested in homeboy, spot his ass next time.
I was hosting a lifelong friend, and his college girlfriend, at my apartment this weekend. Everything was going great until Saturday night. We parlayed an afternoon of Miller Lites on the porch into an evening at Loretta’s (in Boston). Great venue, bad move on our part. After a few whisky sours, everyone was waayy too drunk.We ended up Ubering home as a group around midnight. I let them into the house and went in search of some food to soak up the booze. When I returned, I walked into the kitchen to find my boy getting a blowie. I quickly made my exit, but saw entirely too much. To make matters worse, they totally know what I saw. I now sit in the office on a Monday contemplating what to do. I’ve been upfront and honest with him so far: I’ve told him what I saw, that I don’t want to talk about it, and that we’re all cool. How do I look at him the same way again? How do I handle it at their wedding?
Thanks for any help
I guess I don’t understand why you’re so bent out of shape over this? Your buddy getting top from his girlfriend typically isn’t something you want to walk in on, but I don’t see how it’s so jarring that it’s got you asking about how to handle it at their wedding. Uh, you don’t? They’re just a couple crazy drunk kids being horny in a kitchen. This needs to be more of a “Dude, remember that time I saw you getting a mouthjibber from Amanda in my kitchen?! HA! You crazy fucker!” discussion and not a “Dude, we need to talk about what happened that one night” one.
Get over it, man. People have sex. People go down on each other. Maybe give him daps instead of a lecture.
Hi Dillon!
What college football team would you most want to see play in person? Take any difficulties of travel, schedule, etc out of the equation.
There’s not a single program out there I’m dying to see play in person. I simply don’t care enough. For that reason, I’m making my decision based on where I’d like to travel to see a game. All about location. The Rose Bowl is the greatest college football venue I’ve personally been to, so for that reason alone, UCLA is in the running.
I’m probably picking Athens to watch UGA play, though. I’ve heard nothing but great things about that college town, plus SEC football is the best brand of college football, so that’s a plus.
What’s good Chillon D?
Ya boy rolled up to a weddin a couple weeks ago. Great ceremony where true love conquered all n I got drunk with old hats at tha reception. As tha kids say, it was lit.
When tha grandparents went to sleep n we started boolin, I noticed that there’s still apparently a deep seeded stigma against dudes dancin. I was out there gettin it but my homies from back in tha day were just doin that awkward shoulder shake shit on tha edges (#StopShoulderShakes2017). I been dancin long as I can remember (jazz tap n ballet had me killin people on tha O line) but it still seems that fellas don’t get after it. When’s tha last time u hit tha floor n why do u think bein tha coolest dude in attendance still a problem? Is it cause of deep seeded aspects of masculinity ingrained from European culture or cause some people ain’t got rhythm?
Thanks for tha feedback blood stay chillon.
– Tha Real
PS: (Audible ARF)
It’s good to hear from you, DJ Crime Dawg.
You have dancers and you have non-dancers. It’s probably a 50-50 split for guys. And even the 50% of guys who will dance have to be under the right circumstances before they hit the floor. They have to be among other dancers, the music has to be lit, and they have to be several drinks in. Without the right vibe, a group of pro-dancing people is just a gathering of people who aren’t dancing..
The more questions I receive, the better this series is going to be, so send me your Mailbag questions to dillon@grandex.co and please put “Mailbag” in the subject line.
Guys, I know I joke around a lot and have a dark/sarcastic/satirical sense of humor on here and it’s cool if I make you laugh but after reading about the dude who’s wife had an affair, that really fucked my vibe up. That’s no joke and that’s extremely messed up and wildly selfish on her part. To the dude who this happened to: the best revenge is to become massively successful. Not in terms of wealth alone but in happiness. Deep down your wife is a miserable person so let her wither away in her shitty decisions while you rebuild. Keep your mind occupied with shit that you like and try new shit until something sticks and then focus on that thing hard. She’ll act like she’s happy and project a false image to keep her image clean but it’s bullshit and you know it. You’ll win out in the end if you don’t let it kill you. Stay up, dude!
This is why I like it here. Good advice.
This is something we all need to hear once in a while. Thanks dude.
I don’t know what Boston guy’s deal is, I’d be psyched to walk in to my kitchen and see my bud getting some “you know” from a nice lady.
I’m wondering if it was a different girl than the guy’s girlfriend and that’s what has him all bent out of shape?
Either this guy is a nerd or horrible at explanations
I had to go back and re-read the entire question thinking I missed a crucial part of the story.. Dude walked in on his friend getting drunken top from his girl. So fuckin’ what? I’d have asked them if they were hungry..
I mean honestly, if we’re talking best friends here, which of us hasnt seen our friends in more compromising positions (pun intended)? I don’t know about you but I’ve seen some fucked up shit from my friends only to brush it off knowing that’s what happens when you get to know someone well enough.
Guy from Boston sucks. I thought that story was going to parlay into a three-way, which would be something you would need to address before the wedding…
Sorry about your wife cheating on you, but in my opinion, there’s no going back. You’ll never be able to trust her 100%, no matter what. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Lawyer up and send her packing.
Guy who’s wife cheated on him: if you’re in PA and need a lawyer, let me know. I’ll fight like hell and we will bury her bro!
People that won’t get on the dance floor really grind my gears. We all know you’re not Justin Timberlake, just go for it. Plus, the dumber you look, the more fun you’re having.
As for dinner, I’m grabbing a quick bite at Firehouse Subs before heading to see The xx with the fiancé tonight. Have a blessed evening y’all.
People who won’t dance are most likely worried about the people who will be watching, which in most situations is them. Get out there and get after it. Makes everything so much more fun
Good luck to the first dude, that’s real rough.
On a more positive note, we absolutely need to bring “top” and “sloppy top” into the mainstream terminology for blowjobs.
Just not “rocky top.” Looking at you, Tennessee, no teeth.
Good ol’ rocky top, rocky top Tennessee.
Dr. Dill, quit messing around at the rose bowl and come to Columbus to watch a game in the shoe. Shit goes down in Buckeye country
Can confirm. As a southern football purist, I’ll even admit this is an amazing place to watch a football game. Fans are way less obnoxious about Ohio State there than they are here, go figure.
From LA and have a UCLA alum for a father. The Rose bowl is awesome as a venue, but the quality of the game being played isn’t so awesome. That being said I transfer to Ohio State next fall and cannot wait for two (maybe three) seasons of football at the horseshoe. Hope to meet up with you out there, Kimber
Also an LA native with a bruin father (and Trojan mother), and I was floored the first time I walked into the shoe, rose bowl doesn’t hold a candle. I’ve got the first round on game day
S’co Bucks
“This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
Agreed. Fuck Michigan.
Nothing in the world like 110k strong in the Shoe on a fall Saturday. Make the trip Dorn, you won’t regret it.
You really wanna watch something crazy? Pick a Whiteout game at PSU. I’m sure Kimber (if he has attended) will attest to that atmosphere just like every OSU person I’ve ever met at the games.
And no matter what time it is, Michigan still sucks
Ugh I wish I could say I hate every part of your answer to my football question, but Athens is freaking amazing. From what I recall of visiting.
However the correct answer was Clemson.
Go Tigers!
Nothing like throwing back a few Tiger Missiles on a game day!
Top is a great synonym for head.