“Impractical Jokers” is a show on TruTV that pits four friends against one another to see who can come up with the most ridiculous practical joke. Well, I think this poor guy topped them all. He’s forced into giving quite possibly the worst wedding speech I’ve ever heard. The bride and groom are in on it, but the rest of the wedding party is not and the result is cringeworthy.
Might be an all-timer.
The coolest game on earth just got cooler. Called “AirBlade,” the concept takes the classic arcade game and puts it on the life-size scale. The inventors demonstrated the idea on a 24×40 rink and want to hold an 18-team, double-elimination tournament at Ford Field in Detroit, MI this summer.
Sign me up.
“Are the cameras on?”
“There are literally three cameras pointing right at you.”
[via Nice Piece Productions]
Okay then.
Lady Gaga is known for pulling stuff like this, but she might have topped them all last night at her SXSW show at Stubbs in Austin, TX. Besides getting barfed on, Gaga also roasted herself like a pig on a spit above a fire as her backup dancers basted her with oversized brushes, a woman performing fellatio on several bratwursts and sausages, the usual. Then she invited a “vomit painter” onstage and you can guess where things went from there.
Some Danish bros went and made a video of what applying Tinder IRL might look like. The saucy minx walks through the video swiping real men left or right based on her preferences. The men go flying left in quite the dramatic fashion. But alas, the fine lady comes upon one she deems worthy of a swipe right, but will the feeling be mutual?
All I know is this lady is delusional. She denies all the men under the age of 45 from the looks of it. Then boom, she picks the oldest and ugliest one of them all and is not ironically, rejected.
I think this is supposed highlight how ridiculous (read: efficient) and superficial (read: accurate) the app is as a ‘dating’ tool. Not sure how it works with the Danes, but I’m pretty sure no one here uses it as a real dating app. We refuse to ‘date’ anyways. We just want some good ole fashioned heavy petting as quickly and cheaply as possible.
Earlier this week, a video exhibiting strangers mugging down for the first time made its rounds on the interwebs. I can appreciate open-mouth kissing a rando. We had an acronym for it in college: OMK. To this day, my phone still predictive texts it at times. I’d tell my phone to grow up, but considering my friends and I, at times, still haven’t, OMKing at the bar shall remain a part of my after 5pm vocabulary. Plus, if these participants were intoxicated, it would have just been like any other night at the watering hole.
I also appreciate a good parody, and this parody of the kissing strangers, my friends, is great. I mean, I’m not sure I’d participate if this were a real thing, but I’d gladly watch those willing. Warning, if you’re at work, watch it on your non-company-issued cellular device just to be safe (you don’t see actual private parts, but there’s, you know, sounds and stuff).