
Optimistic pessimist, Profoundly unimportant

Member Since 01/07/2014

  • Nived_Neirbo 5 years ago on Day Traders, Volume III: Live To Fight Another Day

    Please just pour all your money into defense oriented companies that have close ties to the Pentagon because absolutely no technology that is dispersed to consumers via the private sector was fully developed and researched by said private sector. It was first R&D’d by the state via tax funded R&D budgets that roll into the “Defense Budget” and then displeased accordingly as it gets dumbed down once it reaches the consumer level. You’d be investing In almost everything. The sad thing is, we the taxpayers who are the “venture Capital firm”
    For these technologies and projects get no return on investment check, instead we get the internet and iPhones with high powered cameras and fingerprint/facial recognition that connect to the internet lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 5 years ago on It's Time To Embrace Boozy Advent Calendars

    Exactly. The noble thing to do in this country is to pool a bunch of investment money into Constellation Brands and profit off of the substance abuse problems of nearly an entire nation that has masked its mental health deficiencies behind it because waking up to the idea that the majority has been caste into a system of systemic oppression is what will fuel the capital gains for years to come until it all crumbles under its own deadweight lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on I Want To Know Who Is Watching 'NCIS: Los Angeles' And How These Shows Remain On The Air

    Kinda like life, right? I mean, since we basically live in a predetermined simulation where we are constantly stigmatized and tracked and controlled, you’re absolutely right. That’s why no one should ever blame/shame someone else for “changing the channel” especially because the rhetorics from an invisible person guilted you into thinking otherwise just to get access to another made up simulation world lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on Big Feedback Friday

    Dillon, bags of mail don’t contract illness unless they’re laced with Anthrax or a phishing scam virus lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on It’s Time To Stop Pretending Cards Against Humanity Is Funny

    For real though, Monopoly might be the greatest game for learning life experience because while it’s fun to be the ruler of the board, as soon as you get older, you realize that you’ll never own Boardwalk and Park Place and that you are just another cog in the corporatist capitalist machine that’s syphoning off your physical and mental health as well as your money which is literally a place holder value for hours of your life spent to do things in order to then pay for things lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on It’s Time To Stop Pretending Cards Against Humanity Is Funny

    I personally think that that dude Nived’s takes are beyond trash because they cut right to the bone to the point where it isn’t even funny anymore because it’s true and not opinion and it exposes people’s defense mechanisms that allow them to feel safe all while he puts that stupid fucking “lol” at the end of everything to try and insinuate that he’s joking but after reading things in depth, you know that he isn’t so he comes across as a psycho even though he might be the most sane person you’ve read that day lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on The Myth Of The Bank Vice President

    Ahh good old corporate trickery. Giving people lavishly sounding titles to do monotonous work in order to mask the fact that they are paying you less but also trying to make you feel better about it while working you harder because of the title. This also helps companies muddy the data on sites like Glassdoor in order to obscure market rates/salaries for positions across industries so that no one really knows their true worth lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on Not To Brag, But I Just Made My First Ever Stock Trade

    Guys, I just want to know true success and by that I mean starting a shoddy company and selling it to the Saudi’s and further deteriorating trade and the planet overall and then taking money from them to become a pundit on major news networks to further the agenda lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on iPad Payment Is Forcing Me Into Guilt Tipping And It Sucks

    While capitalism is still around (before it turns into fascism), just remember that most of these places that are asking for tips for non-tip jobs are the same jobs where the employees are getting paid an hourly wage that favors better than in the past. Plus since the tip is registered through a digital interface, it is subject to not only looking amongst the staff but also taxation. Why give the government more money when they’re just going to append it to a defense budget that is already bigger than most of the world’s GDP when there’s probably a homeless veteran outside the establishment asking for change

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on Mailbag: Company Slack Etiquette, Making Much More Than The Guy You're Dating, And Are HS Reunions Worth Attending?

    girl who makes more money than the guy…Take a Larry Silverstein approach to this situation and by that I mean, marry this dude, take a life insurance policy out on him, kill him, and then gain even more money and retire while subtracting a self loathing flaccid person that’s just going to weigh you down until you collapse at free-fall-like speeds

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on Day Traders, Volume II: Pulling Trig

    guys, it’s all about pairs trading where you maximize gains from both ends of a certain spectrum. Sometimes the 2 endpoints in the pair aren’t directly correlated but they make sense in a longer term view.

    For example, investing in weapons manufacturers, defense contractors, lithium ion mine streaming companies, oil, and water and then investing in private prison companies, Amazon (Rekognition), and your neighborhood drug dealer. oh, and sober treatment clinics and hospitals.

    Remember guys, manufactured hate and fiat money make the rich world go round lol

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