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Unless you were living under a rock during election season, you probably came across the “Final Thoughts” of blonde firecracker Hot Take Tomi Lahren. Known for her scorched Earth delivery of blistering opinions, Tomi shot to fame over the past year. Now the only thing I agree with politically with the UNLV grad is that UNLV would be an awesome place to go to school, so I don’t actually follow her hot takes on Twitter, as I never thought we’d have much in common.
Thankfully, the internet is a place where your embarrassing past opinions never die, and a less than scorching version of Tomi has emerged via old tweets.
Since Tomi is clearly shook by these old revelations, she’s been deleting the tweets. Looks like Tomi really may have just been just like us.

If you ever had to suffer through the hell known as summer school, you can identify with Tomi not wanting to take time out of her summer to grind those books all day.

Nothing is worse than getting a job, but damn hot take Tomi found one that’s “chill as F.” I don’t think any of us can argue with how baller having a chill job via your parents is.

Ughhhh I feel you girl.
Many people are saying that PGP’s Touching Base podcast hopped on the predatory cat bandwagon because of Tomi Lahren.

If you haven’t ever thrown out a tweet with a shitty cliche lyric of a ’90s song, then you’re not doing Twitter right. Also, apparently Tomi likes to “pop that P.”

CONFIRMED: Tomi Lahren a fan of popping P.

Don’t sweat it, girl. I got escorted out of a bowling alley a few weeks ago. We all do dumb shit.

Ohhhh, shit. Tomi out on the prowl as a single independent woman on Valentines Day. Look out for trouble!

Okay, maybe that being single on Valentines depression kicked in like it does with the rest of us.
All in all, it looks like Tomi used to be someone who could go out and function like the rest of us. Appreciates grabbing a drink, popping her P, and all things chill. She may be branded as a hot take ball of controversy today, but maybe she wasn’t always that way.

Okay, maybe not..
Image via ABC / YouTube
Knowing she’s crazy but still being down to pop her p. PGP
She works for Glenn Beck, 100% chance I would also say crazy shit online for what she gets paid.
Micah do work and get her on the podcast
Micah is full of broken promises and false hope.
aren’t we all?
Would 100% hate fuck her
I watch her videos on mute and imagine she’s yelling angry sexual shit at me
Still would wear her like a feedbag
You missed the tweet where she said “Drill Baby, Drill” that caused even the most staunchest of Bernie bros to dream of laying pipe in South Dakotan native territory.
Not gonna lie it definitely did.
I’m well right of center and I can’t stand this bitch. With that being said, would.
I’m honestly surprised she doesn’t tweet in all CAPS since she spends the rest of her time yelling at me on Facebook.
Not having to go to summer school because you aren’t a dipshit. PGP
Actually explains a lot about her.
You know, some of us needed a music credit before we graduated…jerk.
Actually taking 2 classes every summer meant I could carry a lighter work load the rest of the year, great call.
I’m still convinced she’s the result of a Freaky Friday with a 70 year old man that did not get reversed.
I want her to marry me
Dont think she’s into jewish guys from the middle east tho
Savior of the world trumps anti-Semitic feelings.