Been lifting for 3 years now. Never did beforehand. It fucking sucks some days but oh my goodness do you feel like a king after accomplishing a workout. Huge key in surviving a brutal northeastern winter and you’ll be cut for summer. Get after it!
Hey a business decision is a business decision. But, Grandex, you’re gonna sleep in the bed you made. This comment is most likely my last here. It’s been fun Touchers. Till next time.
No mercy sheeeeesh!
Hell yeah JD. I’ll take the boys over a rando any day.
No way are you fucking serious?
Been lifting for 3 years now. Never did beforehand. It fucking sucks some days but oh my goodness do you feel like a king after accomplishing a workout. Huge key in surviving a brutal northeastern winter and you’ll be cut for summer. Get after it!
Never is the only answer
Blair is a zero. Let it rip JD.
Started calling Bud heavies cream dogs like our good friend Johnny D
You’re a weird dude
Oh boy Duda
Dating apps are largely trash now
I want to booze with Duda
You’re on a roll of L’s today
Didn’t realize Madison lived below you
Duda is now one of the only reasons I still have this app on my phone
Hey a business decision is a business decision. But, Grandex, you’re gonna sleep in the bed you made. This comment is most likely my last here. It’s been fun Touchers. Till next time.
Fuck yeah Duda.
I am not doing jack shit at work today
Once you go Burt your lips always hurt
Fucking love it Duda. Take shit from nobody. Way to be king.