
Member Since 09/16/2014

  • Tim_Riggins 6 years ago on To The Fans

    We’re some old heads here. I read it for a year before I started an account, and I’d say I’ve checked the site probably each day M-F since 2013-14. It’s become habitual, and now that habit has been forcibly taken away.

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  • Tim_Riggins 6 years ago on I’m Sick Of My Alma Mater Asking For Donations

    And yet another issue with higher education. I’m not disagreeing with you here or anyone, nor did I say people are sheeple. I’m merely sharing a perspective from an industry I work within. Thanks for sharing your angle from corporate finance. As I said above, did not mean to be condescending, I just felt people were looking at it from a very limited point of view.

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  • Tim_Riggins 6 years ago on I’m Sick Of My Alma Mater Asking For Donations

    Didn’t mean to come across as condescending. Was simply hoping to provide another perspective. Sorry it came across that way. I clearly don’t know everything about High ed but was hoping to give another angle on a complex problem. I’ll keep my keyboard off in the future.

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  • Tim_Riggins 6 years ago on I’m Sick Of My Alma Mater Asking For Donations

    Pretty clear most of you don’t understand how higher education works, and that’s okay. Not your fault. Colleges/Universities operating budgets have increased despite less state and federal tax dollars going to them. So most public universities are making up the cost of doing business in several ways: higher tuition, tuition discounting, increased cost of meal plans/dorms/etc. All of this is simultaneously happening as the federal government requires new staff leading to increased need to hire. Sure, you can really ‘stick’ it to the university by not giving. However, at least before making a decision consider the larger picture. I’m sure I’ll get down voted to oblivion, but we live in a weird time of archaic institutions of higher learning are being demanded to operate like businesses. However, it begs the real question: is that the purpose of higher ed? I work in the industry and will legitimately answer real questions, but do not want to be met with angry debates.

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  • Tim_Riggins 6 years ago on Which Drinks To Pair With Which Chores

    Might I recommend a growler of your favorite beer and snow shoveling along with the whiskey. My neighbor and I split a growler and took about 30 more minutes shoveling than it should, but highly recommend.

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  • Tim_Riggins 7 years ago on How One Long Distance Couple Makes It All Work

    Mrs Riggins and I did LDR for 2.5 years while we were dating/engaged. My best piece of advice is to not put crazy high expectations on your in-person time. I understand a few of you are younger than me, so your libido and energy is still high. However, as you age, your in-person time might just mean doing nothing. Final thought, you CANNOT ever, for any reason, at any time, under any circumstance, compare your relationship to any of your friends who have a more “traditional” relationship. The challenges might seem the same, but your context and world your relationship exists within is totally different.

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  • Tim_Riggins 7 years ago on Wow, I Really Don’t Know Shit About Weddings

    Ask questions if you’re confused. It’s better to ask a question you think is dumb, (i.e. can I bring a date? It should be on your invite). Better to ask than assume. Other tip, anticipate issues. Trying to get 5-9 guys to the same place on time while some are getting drunk, anticipate the problems and help solve them. Help reduce stress on your buddies wedding day, because they’ll return it 10 fold on yours.

    Source: am married. Have friends who solved problems without asking a million questions day of.

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  • Tim_Riggins 7 years ago on To The White Board: What Did You Like In 2017?

    Piggy-backing here about podcasts. I’ve wanted to provide some constructive feedback for sometime. I totally understand the need to have ads, and frankly, most of them I end up either looking at or even buying. I also understand the desire for it to not feel like “an ad read”, but sometimes in a push to make it feel conversational, you spend 3-5 minutes per read. That stacks up over a 60 min pod with 2-4 ad reads. I’d think more structure around the ad reads would not only engage more effectively, but might be more comfortable for the personalities as well.

    Last thought about Pods. I love the premise of DDB, and hope that it can be more of a window into the company. However, it might be helpful to screen some people who are involved in different industries and do a 10-15 min Joe Rogan *ding* type segment where you have a conversation about what day-to-day looks like. Knowing the immense spread in ages of people that listen to the podcast, it could be cool. Crush 2018.

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