Who the hell does three hours of housework a day? What are you doing that requires that much? Besides, are we counting two hours for one load of laundry? Cause I can plop in a load and sit my ass on the couch and watch SportsCenter. That’s one “hour.”
OMG I can’t even.
Who the hell does three hours of housework a day? What are you doing that requires that much? Besides, are we counting two hours for one load of laundry? Cause I can plop in a load and sit my ass on the couch and watch SportsCenter. That’s one “hour.”
This is totes true
I don’t blame them at all but I’m still gonna bitch about it.
My tax dollars well spent
You really are living up to the “laziest piece of shit” if you actually drove home from a neighborhood home owners meeting.
As long as I can watch sports and you look pretty, I’m not really picky.
I bet you get all zeros on your customer satisfaction surveys
Don’t knock being able to “date” while you’re on your couch.
So I guess Grandex and Brian had a “casual relationship?”
I really don’t give a shit.
I just put in my two weeks notice. I’m playing this with no shame. No alt-tabbing for this guy.
How about an Uber-to-Tinder-Match capability?
And kind of hoping no one responds…
You get more jobs from happy hour than study hour. Who you know.
Bass boost
Angles, man. Angles.
The first thousand is the hardest. PGP.
More jobs? No. More things for prisoners to pick up? Maybe.