Except when you visit their apartment/house, you’re seeing the very best version of themselves. Kind of like when guys put off cleaning their place all week right until they go out/expect to bring someone home.
Women seem to be confused nowadays with having equality with men, but then still expecting men to fill their traditional roles in other facets of life.
Whoever edits these articles: Coming from a Wall Street broker, If the article isn’t about being on Wall Street, do not use Wolf of Wall Street as the pic. It’s kinda toolish to compare your job to that movie.
Gold-digging whores are truly an epidemic.
Something tells me you’re not completely compatible with anyone.
I think the people have spoken.
Except when you visit their apartment/house, you’re seeing the very best version of themselves. Kind of like when guys put off cleaning their place all week right until they go out/expect to bring someone home.
You never truly know someone until you’ve lived with them.
Indy is an international and global league, with the 500 being known for at least 100 years. NASCAR is for the rednecks.
Because if they did that then each episode would be over. Same reason why every shows’ characters make stupid choices, because there’d be no conflict.
Women seem to be confused nowadays with having equality with men, but then still expecting men to fill their traditional roles in other facets of life.
Indy 500 is an international race with drivers from japan, Italy, the UK, Brazil and more. NASCAR is not like IndyCar.
Indianapolis 500 is IndyCar, not NASCAR. Different cars, types of fans, everything.
There are a lot of depressed, drunk people on here who probably shouldn’t have a gun around when they’re feeling depressed and drunk.
Qdoba is better. There, I said it.
Ok bro. Have fun selling insurance.
Whoever edits these articles: Coming from a Wall Street broker, If the article isn’t about being on Wall Street, do not use Wolf of Wall Street as the pic. It’s kinda toolish to compare your job to that movie.
Ma’am origin is actually short for Madame, which is the name of women who run brothels. So yeah, it does piss some people off.
It’s even better you posted on Yelp
“A realistic boyfriend list” has a picture of Tom Sellick.
… And car AC doesn’t work. PGP
In other words, just don’t talk to her;