I’m going to get down voted and shit on for being insensitive, but all this media hype about Joan Rivers seems fake and like everyone is giving lip service and saving face. There’s respecting the dead and then there’s kissing the dead’s ass (like how everyone forgot MJ’s past child molestation allegations once he died). The truth is Joan was a mean, nasty bitch. She wasn’t funny, and her career was based upon tearing people down and making fun of them. Maybe now people can watch award shows without hearing her hateful and unfunny quips.
I’m now going to start my Tinder conversations with “you’re so sexy.” Wish me luck guys!
You’re from New York and write about it all the time. Unless you’re one of those people who believe Manhattan is the only borough of NY.
Jaytas wouldn’t be reporting this if she wasn’t from Brooklyn. There’s your bias, Jaytas.
People who live in states where professional teams exist, or states other than Mississippi, actually do prefer NFL to NCAA. Shocking, I know.
I’m going to get down voted and shit on for being insensitive, but all this media hype about Joan Rivers seems fake and like everyone is giving lip service and saving face. There’s respecting the dead and then there’s kissing the dead’s ass (like how everyone forgot MJ’s past child molestation allegations once he died). The truth is Joan was a mean, nasty bitch. She wasn’t funny, and her career was based upon tearing people down and making fun of them. Maybe now people can watch award shows without hearing her hateful and unfunny quips.
Really? Only then?
There needs to be more columns like this.
What, NO LIST?!?!? How am I supposed to know what to do without it clearly outlined and force fed to me??
This article makes women seem like very insecure people.
You’re article summed up: “because I’m an alcoholic.”
Facts without referencing sources. Fox sources don’t count.
They teach math in Alabama?
All of those who are loyal to the King should move to Canada. Wait, that sounds familiar…
Or you’re not attractive to him. Not trying to be mean, it IS a possibility.
Or he’s gay.
I’m surprised sex isn’t on here.
Below Average. PGP
A moment of silence for all men and their now empty bank accounts is in order.
Really taking a swipe at Grandex’s other sites, huh?