Tad Allagash

Member Since 07/24/2013

  • Tad Allagash 11 years ago on Desperately Seeking A Cure For Post Four Day Weekend Depression

    I’m genuinely curious what it is you’re doing that is making your Monday so horrible. It sounds like you were drinking some booze and doing a lot of eating and napping – so I would think you would be pretty rested.

    Trust me, I’ve endured more than my fair share of gross Monday’s, but they usually are the consequence of 48 hour Bolivian marching powder fueled benders involving a multitude of morally reprehensible decisions.

    Maybe just go to bed a little earlier on Sunday night?

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  • Tad Allagash 11 years ago on I Don't Want To Be A Housewife

    “Catie makes all her arguments valid.”

    I’m being absolutely sincere when I ask: Is English your second language?

    I’m from Annapolis, MD – I assure you that you aren’t buying a house outside of Dundalk as BGE communications analyst.

    I’m also nervous if you’re analyzing non-verbal means of communication if your writing on this page is demonstrative of your skills.

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  • Tad Allagash 11 years ago on I Don't Want To Be A Housewife

    “in to” = “into”

    “But seriously, who gives a shit how other people write really?”

    Reads like something that was scribbled on the back of Trapper Keeper.

    Who gives a shit about how you write? I’d venture to say everyone you correspond with on a daily basis at your place of employment?

    Also, if you weren’t required to take an English class, let alone two, in college then you most assuredly didn’t go to a very good school.

    I don’t really get people who went to Big State U, work as a “marketing coordinator” and think that their BA in Communications is license to parade around like they’re fucking Nikola Tesla.

    A little research into the character behind my moniker may explain my general disposition.

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  • Tad Allagash 11 years ago on I Don't Want To Be A Housewife

    The very reason that you think anyone on the internet would be interested in your personal qualms with being a housewife is precisely the reason you don’t need to worry about that becoming a reality.

    ” I went to a good college. I watch the news and read the paper and I’m knowledgeable in current events”

    You forgot “and I write sentences like a struggling middle school student”

    So you went to college AND you read the newspaper – congratulations on being a white person in America.

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  • Tad Allagash 11 years ago on Don't Fool Yourself, Sick Days Actually Suck

    This column was edited?

    “What are the odds that you are actually sick in comparison to just being hangover?”

    “The day I was sick, just about every coworker under the age of 30 texted my and asked what I did last night.”

    “Thanks to the Internet you are no long bond to the office to do your job”

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  • Tad Allagash 11 years ago on Stop Trying To Define Millennials

    I agree with JDbro – But I also think it’s worth noting that the reason they continue to churn out these sort of “articles” is that there is a market for them. People continue to read them and then post them on their facebook wall, twitter feed etc etc to the point that while their proliferation is nauseating, and most of the articles are nothing more than meta-thoughts, they continue to generate enough traffic from a financial standpoint that they’re going to continue being written/posted.

    The funny part about them is how popular they are – and they’re popular because, ironically, as stated in most of these articles – our generation is obsessed with themselves. (be it reading, watching, or talking about)

    Those stupid articles drove me to this site where there are a ton of banner ads down the right hand side of the page….

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  • Tad Allagash 11 years ago on Business Communication Etiquette Part II: Phone Calls

    “I had to take a class on what you’ve talked about in both columns in college. Is that not the case at other schools? The class was even called Business Etiquette.”

    I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess you didn’t go to a very good college…

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