Feeling compelled to order water at lunch just because your boss did. PGP.
Every time I crack open a Diet Coke at work I pretend its a beer. PGP.
My coworker asked me to read something to her because I knew the Greek Alphabet and she didn’t. They were Roman Numerals. PGP
Sunday morning shakes at church.
Sometimes when I get drunk I check my credit score. PGP
Reading PGP on a Friday night because I’ve been asked to come in early on Saturday. PGP
It took me four cups of coffee to realize that someone had brewed decaf in the regular color designated coffee pot. PGP.
Starting to recognize the same cars every morning on your commute. PGP.
Ferris Bueller is turning 53. PGP.
“What would you say are your biggest weaknesses?” PGP.