Member Since 06/09/2018

  • RR5 6 years ago on A Dude's Breakdown Of Week 3 Of "The Bachelorette"

    I agree. When Chris told her about David getting hurt, she did look genuinely concerned at first, but then I thought it looked like she was possibly holding back laughter when she heard that David busted up his face BECAUSE HE FELL OUT OF BED.

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  • RR5 6 years ago on A Dude's Breakdown Of Week 2 Of "The Bachelorette"

    Am I the only one who was creeped out by Blake? The guy basically told Becca that his last relationship broke up when he went through his girlfriend’s personal things while she was in the bathroom. I think he said, “some texts popped up” or something to that effect. Umm, dude, you mean you looked at her phone because you were feeling insecure in the relationship? Well, turns out that you were right to feel that way, Blake, but none of that matters since you just admitted to the world that you’re the type of guy who goes through his girlfriend’s phone or computer or whatever while she’s in the bathroom. Yikes.

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