
Houstonian navigating the confusing and sometimes spooky world of post-grad living.

Member Since 09/21/2017

The Dichotomy Of Feeling Completely Successful When Things Are Completely Falling Apart

I’ve Been Reading “Fifty Shades Of Grey” For The Story

Requiem For A Lost Parent

Making sure your LinkedIn profile is on private mode before you start stalking a potential bumble date.

Post Grad Problems

Various Lunches You Bring To Work And What Your Coworkers Think About Them

This Weekend In Fun: February 9

Get to work. Get coffee. Start working. Forget about coffee. Remember coffee. It’s cold.

Post Grad Problems

Getting Back In The Game: Facebook Stalker

The Single Woman’s Dating Playbook: The Valentine’s Day Distraction

Getting Back In The Game: First Date, Part II