I don’t give a shit about the juiceroo either way, but can I just say I am fuckin sick of the corny ass “try to be funny/over the top” advertising style?
I think Old Spice started it all off with that stupid guy on the horse, and it’s been way over done
Your body was burning the toast (carbs) for energy instead of the fats because it will always choose the path of least resistance. Since your energy needs were fulfilled by the toast, your body had to store the fats, thus making your blood levels unhealthy. Solid point though for the carbs + fat issue
Don’t want to open up this can o’ worms too wide, but again, healthy fats do not make you fat.
Eating an avocado along with an entire box of Cheez-its (carbs) however, will turn you into a certified fat ass.
They have been able to detect the “edges” of the universe essentially, where the Big Bang is still reverberating through “space”. Outside of that barrier exists in terms of Quantum mechanics/physics, it does not compute within our understanding, but it is essentially the “end” of space. Look up video “Scientist Discover God” or something like that for a cool explanation of Quantum Mechanics/Big Bang
I love Fort Worth and I love Austin.
Could not give less of a shit about living in Dallas or Houston, but they’re both fun to visit for a weekend every now and then
Realizing I’ve read your last few articles before on tumblr #DudaStrong
I don’t give a shit about the juiceroo either way, but can I just say I am fuckin sick of the corny ass “try to be funny/over the top” advertising style?
I think Old Spice started it all off with that stupid guy on the horse, and it’s been way over done
For every hype-level over 9000 drive to your destination, there is an equal and opposite death march home
“titter” is my favorite word
Going to have a Miller Lite tonight in honor of it not making the Top 20
Par save
Your body was burning the toast (carbs) for energy instead of the fats because it will always choose the path of least resistance. Since your energy needs were fulfilled by the toast, your body had to store the fats, thus making your blood levels unhealthy. Solid point though for the carbs + fat issue
Don’t want to open up this can o’ worms too wide, but again, healthy fats do not make you fat.
Eating an avocado along with an entire box of Cheez-its (carbs) however, will turn you into a certified fat ass.
Micah claps back at DeFries and the base touchers!
No harm, no foul. I’ve thrown out my fair share of salty takes
Bill, you’ve always been one of the better commenters here but lately you seem to have gone down a salty path. Have a beer this weekend
They have been able to detect the “edges” of the universe essentially, where the Big Bang is still reverberating through “space”. Outside of that barrier exists in terms of Quantum mechanics/physics, it does not compute within our understanding, but it is essentially the “end” of space. Look up video “Scientist Discover God” or something like that for a cool explanation of Quantum Mechanics/Big Bang
I love Fort Worth and I love Austin.
Could not give less of a shit about living in Dallas or Houston, but they’re both fun to visit for a weekend every now and then
Born and raised in Fort Worth, also Gig Em
“doesn’t taste any better or worse than the bottles above* it”
In-N-Out is so polarizing it’s insane. I personally love it but I have good friends who want to murder me for suggesting I like it better than 5 Guys
I slice when I’m eating straight avocado or using it for tacos, squeeze when i’m making guac. Day 1 stuff, guys
I would wager the bro-ey tryhard/hair gel spots
Douchebag Bar Crawl – Fort Worth, Texas Edition:
Social House (sick happy hour, brah), Varsity Tavern, Landmark, WHISKEY GARDEN