Agree 100%. I’ve recently been fitting in more time with friends, even if it’s getting a casual dinner after work, and it’s made weekdays significantly less painful.
As a female this is a little depressing. If girls are actually saying this shit it just comes off as seriously pathetic on their part. Anyways, thanks for the PSA, I guess.
My go-to move at work is to carry a notebook at all times, resting bitch face in place, while walking a fast pace through the hallway. Gives off the “don’t fucking talk to me rn” vibe quite well.
I’m kind of convinced that with ghosting, karma will get you back at some point. It’s far better to be honest and upfront.
Agree 100%. I’ve recently been fitting in more time with friends, even if it’s getting a casual dinner after work, and it’s made weekdays significantly less painful.
You’ve inspired me.
As a female this is a little depressing. If girls are actually saying this shit it just comes off as seriously pathetic on their part. Anyways, thanks for the PSA, I guess.
Answering emails promptly gives me a false sense of productivity and competence at work.
My go-to move at work is to carry a notebook at all times, resting bitch face in place, while walking a fast pace through the hallway. Gives off the “don’t fucking talk to me rn” vibe quite well.
Lol, thanks.