I have to imagine Will has a sheet full of ending lines for these columns and just chooses at random which one he’s going to use to ruin our Wednesdays.
Black coffee is fine, it’s got no calories or anything in it (except some potassium), it only becomes an issue when you add creamer and sugar and caramel syrup into it.
DIY is so much more satisfying when you’re making something (a garden) than when you’re fixing something (a toilet, a door). I can’t wait until I can put in a garden, especially since I spent last weekend just digging out clay to lower a garden and next weekend I’ll be reframing door. Pray for me.
A lot of this data is skewed by the type of people under 30 that read Forbes, such as a large amount of people intending to invest in their own business soon. The most depressing part of the data is the 1% of respondents who said in 5 years, they expected their income to be 0.
Does anyone even include the “if anyone objects to this union” line anymore? Seems like a recipe for disaster, and this is coming from a guy who had to have someone bounced out of the ceremony for trying to bring me a 30 rack of Keystone as a wedding gift.
I don’t believe that any employee can be 100% on, 100% of the time. I mean, unless you’re directly in charge of someone’s safety (but even ATCs get breaks every hour), you need little diversions here and there to keep you going mentally. Older folks make that the coffee break or chatting by the water cooler, us young guns choose instead to check Twitter for a minute or two every half hour. No difference in productivity, but there’s a huge difference in perception.
Wait, what?
Should have gone into recruiting. That’s where the hotties are. Ain’t nobody good looking in HR management.
Ever want to identify an engineer? Give them some pot and nothing to smoke it with, they’ll come up with something.
I have to imagine Will has a sheet full of ending lines for these columns and just chooses at random which one he’s going to use to ruin our Wednesdays.
I agree with him on about half these points. Fuck office small talk.
Black coffee is fine, it’s got no calories or anything in it (except some potassium), it only becomes an issue when you add creamer and sugar and caramel syrup into it.
Cutting carbs to a minimum? Sure, no problem. Wait, beer has carbs. Hahaha, nope. Carbs are love.
DIY is so much more satisfying when you’re making something (a garden) than when you’re fixing something (a toilet, a door). I can’t wait until I can put in a garden, especially since I spent last weekend just digging out clay to lower a garden and next weekend I’ll be reframing door. Pray for me.
Sounds like you got it real bad for this girl, but don’t you dare stop engaging in the chase.
I think Gil Humplestead came to life and became this guy.
If I had to account for every minute of my day spent, I’d be so fucked. So glad I just have to clock in and out times.
My housewarming party was lit, if only because it was about two weeks before everything in the house went to hell. Good times.
On Friday’s podcast Dave was all about douchey business comments and it was fantastic.
Something tells me you’re the kind of guy who plants violent messages in “Tickle Me Elmo” recordings.
Did you cry at your wedding? Cause you might have bad news coming if you didn’t.
Well, he wanted to interrupt the ceremony to give it to me. But maybe I’m the asshole.
A lot of this data is skewed by the type of people under 30 that read Forbes, such as a large amount of people intending to invest in their own business soon. The most depressing part of the data is the 1% of respondents who said in 5 years, they expected their income to be 0.
Does anyone even include the “if anyone objects to this union” line anymore? Seems like a recipe for disaster, and this is coming from a guy who had to have someone bounced out of the ceremony for trying to bring me a 30 rack of Keystone as a wedding gift.
I don’t believe that any employee can be 100% on, 100% of the time. I mean, unless you’re directly in charge of someone’s safety (but even ATCs get breaks every hour), you need little diversions here and there to keep you going mentally. Older folks make that the coffee break or chatting by the water cooler, us young guns choose instead to check Twitter for a minute or two every half hour. No difference in productivity, but there’s a huge difference in perception.