Luckily for the guy who decided to rail xanax lines it turns out that xanax doesnt absorb nearly as well when you snort it as opposed to taking it orally due to the fact its a pharmaceutical that is designed to be processed through the digestive system. Its possible that this stupid decision couldve prevented an even nastier xanax-alcohol interaction.
In a long term relationship in which one party starts to lose interest its not unusual for that person to be emotionally uninvested when the breakup eventually occurs, especially if those feelings had been building for a while. In this dude’s mind, he had already processed the breakup and let go of his emotional attachment of his girlfriend before even breaking up with her. That being said, he definitely owes her a face to face conversation to provide her with the closure needed for her to move on as well. Dont be reckless with someobody else’s heart, especially someone that you dated for 2 years.
Is Todd finally past the point of redemption or do ya’ll think he still has hope in breaking his bitchboi shackles?
Luckily for the guy who decided to rail xanax lines it turns out that xanax doesnt absorb nearly as well when you snort it as opposed to taking it orally due to the fact its a pharmaceutical that is designed to be processed through the digestive system. Its possible that this stupid decision couldve prevented an even nastier xanax-alcohol interaction.
In a long term relationship in which one party starts to lose interest its not unusual for that person to be emotionally uninvested when the breakup eventually occurs, especially if those feelings had been building for a while. In this dude’s mind, he had already processed the breakup and let go of his emotional attachment of his girlfriend before even breaking up with her. That being said, he definitely owes her a face to face conversation to provide her with the closure needed for her to move on as well. Dont be reckless with someobody else’s heart, especially someone that you dated for 2 years.
Running a little bit over 3 miles the morning after blacking out seems more like a cruel punishment than a “fun” activity.
With Fulton & Roark candles, the scent doesnt matter
The shape of water was the worst movie I’ve seen all year dont @ me
“Momma needs a contraceptive pill”
This is just the calm before the storm that is Todd bumping into Claire during his bachelor party and finally closing the deal
This just pushed back my desire to have kids another decade.
This made me somewhat sad and incredibly existential. Good work Nick
Its well documented that George Washington made love like an eagle falling out of the sky
Now its only a matter of time before Will hits us with Chronicles of Todd: Longing For Death
Hmm this doesnt look like TGDAG to me…
Name checks out
Where is part 3? Im fiending hard