Little Black Book Of Cappuccinos or Caviar or Crabcakes or Chardonnay or Chia or Cosmos & Louboutins or Leggings or Leather or Lipstick: Dreams don’t work unless you do.
I’m tired of the country having to bend over backwards for every single person. If a restaurant doesn’t have a vegan menu, don’t go there demanding they make one then complain you’re being discriminated against. The things people are doing in this country are really getting out of hand.
I wonder what goes through people’s heads when they post stuff like this. Like “gee, this is such a great idea. All my friends probably will think these neatly placed random ass items are just the bees knees. *Sips Americano*.”
When I tell my girlfriend why I’m not going to text back for a while she gets mad that I apparently “feel like I have to tell her every move I make” and when I don’t, “where are you?!?! Are you busy?!?!” Can’t win man… can’t win.
Pretty much how I did it too. After having to annoy everyone with “do you have cream and sugar” I just ditched that and said give me whatever the fuck you want and I’ll drink it. Similar to my drinking preference evolution: When someone offers you a beer, don’t be complicated, just accept it and drink it like a man.
Seems like when all else fails i.e. your Mongolian history degree didn’t get you the 6 figure job you assumed it would, your friends have dates and you’re too lazy or scummy pick one up too, you turn to the only way that’s proven to get peoples’ attention: being weird and different.
It’s pretty bad to be addicted to your phone. We’re going to decline in human interactions and not even be able to converse in person in the future. My old college roommate literally NEVER looked up from his phone, even when I tried to talk to him. Talk about the most annoying and rude thing to do to someone. Note to everyone: Some people notice and appreciate it (even though it shouldn’t have come to that) if you actually listen to someone talking to you in person, as opposed to ignoring them for something that can undoubtedly wait (Facebook, Twitter, a text.)
I mean if you like another school I would think it’d be obvious to laugh, just as I laughed at Alabama when they lost to Auburn. It’s not that hard to figure out.
I’ve watched basically every Lions game for the last 20 years, and I am reaching my wits end. Last year was a “just the tip” season and now we’re back to being blue balled for another decade.
Que Michelle from marketing: “OMG I went furniture shopping for a couch this weekend. I’m getting so old!” No, you’re just not a child anymore.
Responding by showing them yours. PGPM.
My birthday is next Thursday. I fully expect you to wish me a happy birthday as a reply to this comment. If you don’t, you’re a chump.
That’s what you call a Childish Hambino.
Well fuck me.
Little Black Book Of Cappuccinos or Caviar or Crabcakes or Chardonnay or Chia or Cosmos & Louboutins or Leggings or Leather or Lipstick: Dreams don’t work unless you do.
That’s a mouthful.
I’m tired of the country having to bend over backwards for every single person. If a restaurant doesn’t have a vegan menu, don’t go there demanding they make one then complain you’re being discriminated against. The things people are doing in this country are really getting out of hand.
I wonder what goes through people’s heads when they post stuff like this. Like “gee, this is such a great idea. All my friends probably will think these neatly placed random ass items are just the bees knees. *Sips Americano*.”
“So… Panda House?”
“I just had that last week omg.’
When I tell my girlfriend why I’m not going to text back for a while she gets mad that I apparently “feel like I have to tell her every move I make” and when I don’t, “where are you?!?! Are you busy?!?!” Can’t win man… can’t win.
Pretty much how I did it too. After having to annoy everyone with “do you have cream and sugar” I just ditched that and said give me whatever the fuck you want and I’ll drink it. Similar to my drinking preference evolution: When someone offers you a beer, don’t be complicated, just accept it and drink it like a man.
Seems like when all else fails i.e. your Mongolian history degree didn’t get you the 6 figure job you assumed it would, your friends have dates and you’re too lazy or scummy pick one up too, you turn to the only way that’s proven to get peoples’ attention: being weird and different.
I mean go ahead and pull out your phone while your boss is talking to you, see what happens.
It’s pretty bad to be addicted to your phone. We’re going to decline in human interactions and not even be able to converse in person in the future. My old college roommate literally NEVER looked up from his phone, even when I tried to talk to him. Talk about the most annoying and rude thing to do to someone. Note to everyone: Some people notice and appreciate it (even though it shouldn’t have come to that) if you actually listen to someone talking to you in person, as opposed to ignoring them for something that can undoubtedly wait (Facebook, Twitter, a text.)
Offensive coordinator look, water boy pay. PGP.
I mean if you like another school I would think it’d be obvious to laugh, just as I laughed at Alabama when they lost to Auburn. It’s not that hard to figure out.
Agreed. I refuse to watch the play ever again. That was one of the most heartbreaking and unfortunate plays in the history of pretty much everything.
I’ve watched basically every Lions game for the last 20 years, and I am reaching my wits end. Last year was a “just the tip” season and now we’re back to being blue balled for another decade.