
Optimistic pessimist, Profoundly unimportant

Member Since 01/07/2014

  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on Koozies Are Idiotic And Completely Unnecessary

    Guys, Koozies were made as little insulation sweaters for beers because once the beers realized that they only existed to provide some “medicinal” relief to people in a dark, cold, uncaring world each night, their blood started to boil in anger because they have no real self purpose. If you guys didn’t know this, congrats! Welcome to society! Have a nice cold beer to drown out the anxiety of the previous sentences you just read lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on The World Isn't Ready For Bitcoin Bobbleheads

    instead, they should focus on blockchain-ing ticket sale transactions to prevent cottage industries and inflated reseller markets while mitigating fraud. But what do I know, I just keep saying shit into the void and everyone is like “oh that would be cool” and then we all just keep going to jobs and falling asleep on the couch while watching Netflix overnight with a TV dinner and some beer lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on Why There's No Need For Coins In American Society Anymore

    What if coins were collected and pooled to become an economic driver for the homeless. Think of the concept of the Acorns app where instead of the people getting physical coins, they get an access point to the pool in order to buy necessities instead of collecting change at red lights. The pool will have encryption and access will be in the form of a unique identifier, possibly a chipped card and transactions can only be made for eligible goods to prevent black markets and to prevent them from using the money for vices. The cards will act as a credit card where each card has a finite amount of transactional currency to prevent overspending but the credit will be tied back so that once money taken out of the pool is paid back, the homeless establish a controlled credit score in order to get get to a livable level and eventually be approved for loans, Etc.

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on The Worst Questions You Get Asked In A Generic Office Setting

    Pretty much because all of them are on salary so the longer they stay, the less they get paid in terms of their salary value but the more work/growth the company gets. It’s also a good tactic to use against the employee of productivity/performance slips because burn out isn’t really cared about because there’s someone else that will replace them. What’s your thought on the motivation behind that?

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on I'm Starting To Scare People With My Drunk Conspiracy Theories

    Who is R.C. Christian? Why did they erect the Georgia Guide stones monument that depicts a dark future through “New World” 10 Commandments? Why are these Commandments then depicted in the murals at the Denver Airport? Why is the Denver Airport in the shape of an infamous Nazi symbol when looked down on from above? Why is the soldier summoning women and children to a fire pit, holding a sword that’s killing the dove of peace while wearing a Soviet military jacket and a gas mask? Why are there secret passageways under the Denver Airport that go well below ground? Why were the security guards who had the security camera footage of the “plane” hitting the Pentagon on 9/11 mysteriously murdered after claiming it wasn’t a plane. Why was no black box recovered from the wreckage if it was in fact a plane? Why has the opioid crisis skyrocketed since the invasion of Afghanistan along with the sales of devices who use lithium ion within their batteries? Why are we still there? Poppy is one of their top cash crops and lithium ion is one of their most abundant minerals. How can jet fuel melt steel support structures at the base of a hermetically sealed skyscraper when it doesn’t burn hot enough to melt steel? Why were traces of Thermite found in the dust plumes that dispersed from Ground 0 and cause a near symmetrical free fall to 2 skyscrapers that eerily mimics a controlled demolition? Why was Seth Rich shot dead in his neighborhood while jogging after Wikileaks released Hillary’s emails prior to the DNC? Why are you going to look into this shit? It’s better if you just shut the fuck up and stop asking questions because the Kardashians are still going strong, watch them instead and mind your business lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on Labor Day Fun Facts That You Can Casually Drop This Weekend

    Might as well chug a 30 rack since the death of labor unions is upon us where corporate interests have all but taken over, the same one that are looting our retirement or choosing not to invest in it anymore because they know it’s a waste of money at this point. They’ve blended the work/life balance into one, hidden behind technology so that almost entire sectors are “on call/always on”. The “knights of shadow” have their own meetings and they usually take place in Geneva. People think that Capitalism is broken, I say it’s working perfectly. In fact, it’s working better than it ever has since productivity and profits are wayyyy up yet wages haven’t changed in decades yet we keep working the same hours if not more. The system isn’t broken, folks. It’s fixed. I for one am going to drink until my mind is clear enough to write again lol. Have a good weekend everyone!

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on In Defense Of The Untucked Shirt At Work

    People who tuck their shirts in everyday are usually professional liars so don’t believe them when they say that untucked shirts are shit because they’re the ones on the payroll of every other liar that has a vested interest in everyone looking the same in a wasteland littered with conformity and scared people lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on I Have Too Many Vacation Days And No One Feels Sorry For Me

    There is literally nothing wrong with that. If the job is getting done, it’s getting done. Flex hours are the future of work once this antiquated system from the Industrial Age that we operate in caves in on itself after all the capital is capitalized out to the capitalizers. because remember folks, you’re not a true capitalist until you have enough money to not go to work anymore and buy politicians in order to keep that money flowing back into your pockets. Otherwise, you’re just another serf roaming on someone else’s plot of land, living in a house that is owned by someone else, working for someone else’s company as shit gets more expensive as you make near the same amount of money that you’ve always made ;( lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 6 years ago on Mailbag: Shooting Your Shot For Shy People, Sexting A Guy 101, And The Bride's Family Paying For The Wedding

    STI person: life is all about risk. Sometimes you gotta take the plunge. Or in this case, letting someone take the plunge into you without a wetsuit. The guy might be a great person and even if he’s a bag of shit, at least you’ll always have something to remember them by. People are temporary but Herpes is loyal as shit lol

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