Plot twist: JD wanted to get his ex back so he started a series called “engaging in the chase” to subtweet all the chicks he banged, make her jealous and get ole girl back in the saddle.
Started my St. Pats at a bar, found myself at a craps table in a casino an hour drive away from previously stated bar. Not even mad, just really confused.
My company dodgeball team went 0-8 this year. I’m ashamed, embarrassed, and I was ejected for telling one of the opposing team members to go fuck himself. Season ended 3 months ago.
Plot twist: JD wanted to get his ex back so he started a series called “engaging in the chase” to subtweet all the chicks he banged, make her jealous and get ole girl back in the saddle.
Jamo? Right after tequila? For a Blackhawks fan? You did this to yourself my friend.
All while creating content for himself. Genius.
Plot twist: Johnny set up a fake hinge account and impersonated himself with plans to get her to send the DM. Respect the hustle.
So when will it be socially acceptable to say you met your sig other on tinder? Never right?
If she swallows my kids then I for sure need to know why I can’t get a 5 word reply.
I just feel bad for your friend because he can’t enjoy Seth Rogan movies now.
Started my St. Pats at a bar, found myself at a craps table in a casino an hour drive away from previously stated bar. Not even mad, just really confused.
It was the only way I made it through accounting 3010.
Vyvance continental breakfast? …. Tara can play for me any day.
My company dodgeball team went 0-8 this year. I’m ashamed, embarrassed, and I was ejected for telling one of the opposing team members to go fuck himself. Season ended 3 months ago.
Very true. Friday’s are for avoiding people, taking hour long lunch breaks, and skipping out as early as possible.
Also, looking forward to your blog about how the NIT is where it’s at this year since NCAA is too mainstream. Thanks in advance.
As long as you’re sure to mention that said game is on Sunday night during GOT and your phone is on ‘do not disturb mode’ you should be golden.
People that don’t like mainstream stuff because it’s too mainstream try way too hard.