
Member Since 05/11/2018

Nobody saw me leave for lunch; looks like I just bought myself 15 extra minutes.

Post Grad Problems

The Corporate Ladder: Directives

The Corporate Ladder: Discovery

Venmo Is For Friends, Not Significant Others

Using a box of tissues as a napkin dispenser when eating at my desk.

Post Grad Problems

Using “per my last email” twice before 9:30 a.m. on a Friday to create some momentum before the weekend.

Post Grad Problems

Every time I hear the receptionist say “one moment, I’ll transfer you” I have a panic attack that my phone might be the one that’s about to ring.

Post Grad Problems

“That’s not part of my job description.”

Post Grad Problems

A Plea For US Airports to Replace CNN With HGTV And Food Network

Why I’m All-In On The Kid Leash