
Member Since 04/17/2015

  • inhocfaf 8 years ago on You Need To Rethink Your Go-To Hangover Food

    I’ll be honest, my hangover varies. Sometimes I can’t stop eating. Other times I can’t stomach a thing. Sometimes I sleep for the entirety of a day, other times I can’t stay still.

    One thing is certain though, I’m going to drink about 3 gallons of liquid. The only question is whether it will be coffee, water, or more alcohol. Or all of the above.

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  • inhocfaf 8 years ago on My Birthday Better Not Suck This Weekend

    My best birthday to date:

    Called a sport bar that offers open bars for birthdays. I told them that it was my birthday, and I was having 30 people come through (lie). It was something like $40 for a 3 hour open bar, with the birthday patron drinking for free. I knew it was going to be a smaller crew as we were going to Atlantic City for my birthday the following weekend. This was also during march madness (sweet 16 weekend I believe). Anyway, I pregamed with my buddies at their appt, popped and addy and headed to this sport bar (more on the upscale side, borderline club). The crew never grew more than 8 people, I drank for free, and won a ton of money gambling on every game going that night.

    Lost it all the following day, but I digress. Good times.

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  • inhocfaf 8 years ago on Dear God, Please Someone, Let Me Work For Free

    I think it really depends on where you’re located. While I start law school in Sept (god bless my soul, I know), I’m from Long Island so the two federal districts are the EDNY and SDNY, which are both highly sought after. I work for a government agency, and all the legal interns that work in my office were denied and probably barely even considered for the federal courts.

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  • inhocfaf 8 years ago on Why I'll Continue To Be Politically Active On Social Media

    Stopped reading halfway through, was hoping it would take a turn and end up being satire (is that how it ended?).

    Anyway, *unfriend*.

    I keep clicking “stop showing me posts like this”, but they keep showing up. I think facebook’s goal is to make everyone so sick of politics that they become completely apathetic. At this point, I’m down for Trump to not only regulate media but also the internet.

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  • inhocfaf 8 years ago on Where To Go On A First Date Depending On The Day Of The Week

    Most of my friend’s “house parties” are just pregames in which the collective group decides against the bar. Reasons include: too tired, too drunk, too poor, the weather, etc.

    Some of the people may just go to the bar themselves, but mob mentality rules supreme.

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  • inhocfaf 8 years ago on My Boyfriend Doesn't Have An iPhone So I Guess I Have To Dump Him

    My first smartphone was a droid, and my last smartphone will be a droid. I really don’t care what phone people use, hell, don’t even use a phone. But the iphone isn’t that great, I actually hate it. I hear my friends complain about their battery, their screen cracking from a slight wind gust, lengthy iPhone updates that end up fucking their iPhone, and their inevitable bi monthly trip to the Apple store. These are the same people that then defend their iPhone like it’s their first born child.

    I’ve had 4 droids in over 8 years, screen has never cracked and I handle my phone like it’s a hot potato. Theyre damn near indestructible in my experience. But hey, to each their own.

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  • inhocfaf 8 years ago on 12 Things I’m Too Young For At 25

    Step 1. Console your friend who just divorced his wife.
    Step 2. Hit on said wife at a party where her kid’s in attendance.

    Congrats, you’re now an old person!

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  • inhocfaf 8 years ago on My Stint As The Older Woman

    I’ve envious on your decision to leave the real world to take a seasonal job on an island.

    My buddy’s girlfriend (whose a teacher) asked if I wanted to be a camp counselor out in the Hamptons for the Summer. No idea why she asked me as I’ve been employed at the same legitimate job for 4 years now, but yea I definitely considered it.

    Sitting at a cubicle for terrible money vs sitting on a beach for terrible money with hot college girls/teachers. Yea, it was a tossup but I chose to remain an adult.

    What could have been…

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