
Member Since 08/08/2018

  • HRTryHard 6 years ago on Mailbag: A Girlfriend's Sketchy STI Test, Your Friend Right-Swiping On Your Girl, And Is It Okay To Rock The Swoop Hairstyle?

    Sorry that happened to you. I always tell my friends (because this happens more than I think people realize) that the longer you’re with him and the more committed you are to him the worse it will get. Most people don’t marry the guy who beats the crap out of them. They marry the guy who had violent fits but didn’t really hurt them, and was really good at apologizing. The beatings didn’t start til after the marriage license was signed. You have nothing to gain from staying with a man who lays his hands on you and embarrasses you and yells at you, but you have everything-including your LIFE- to lose by staying. There’s no gray area here. Cut it and run, you won’t regret it.

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  • HRTryHard 6 years ago on Everything Going Through My Head A Week Before My Wedding

    Hey, congrats! Just went through this myself and yes, it will change even if you have lived together a while. Everything is more intense in the best way. Relax and make sure you tell her how great she looks, it may honestly slip your mind because it seems so obvious to you. Good luck!

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