I was raised in a state without pro teams. Now that’s a tragedy. As a child I thought the Dolphins would be a good choice for my favorite nfl team, and I’ve been disappointed ever since.
Every single one of my coworkers was coughing and hacking around me, so I started downing airborne 3 times a day and never got sick. It’s probably a load of BS but now I swear by it.
This must be a common thing in the postgrad world because the past 2 men I’ve gotten numbers from have done the exact same thing. Normal conversation for a few days and then out of nowhere comes the sexual comment with “hey you should send me a pic ;)” Enough with the winky faces.
I see there is another Hawkeye on this site…
Holy shit, Waterloo, IA is an hour away from me. Why on earth were you there?
This is beautiful.
This is probably the most depressing thing I could’ve read while procrastinating at my desk this morning.
With a windchill of -50. The midwest is lovely.
I was raised in a state without pro teams. Now that’s a tragedy. As a child I thought the Dolphins would be a good choice for my favorite nfl team, and I’ve been disappointed ever since.
Agreed! Gotta represent the state
We got a big $50 bonus and the taxes from it came out of our next paycheck. So generous
Christmas Vacation is by far the best. “Merry Christmas, shitter’s full!”
Well gentlemen, wife me up.
Seinfeld is the way to go.
My parents never paid for my credit card, yet somehow my siblings and I managed to survive. Your life must be rough.
Every single one of my coworkers was coughing and hacking around me, so I started downing airborne 3 times a day and never got sick. It’s probably a load of BS but now I swear by it.
My grandma still hands these “peanut butter kisses” out. We don’t have the heart to tell her they are the absolute worst. http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/281176511588?lpid=82
Sorry for not wanting to send photos of myself to a guy I’ve met once.
This must be a common thing in the postgrad world because the past 2 men I’ve gotten numbers from have done the exact same thing. Normal conversation for a few days and then out of nowhere comes the sexual comment with “hey you should send me a pic ;)” Enough with the winky faces.
Okay if you’re from KC, don’t be hating on Des Moines. It’s surprisingly nice… people just don’t appreciate the midwest.