Gotta treat meeting up with an ex like a vampires. Only make moves under the cover of night. Daylight hours tend to cause your life to go up in flames.
It seems like a decent option for Texas as well. Direct flights on southwest are crazy cheap. Transportation to aspen would probably double your costs though.
Consider my DVR set to record
I didn’t know there was another way to do NOLA
Gotta treat meeting up with an ex like a vampires. Only make moves under the cover of night. Daylight hours tend to cause your life to go up in flames.
Modern Family Is criminally underrated. Writing is sharper than you think, and can easiely be appreciated while scrolling twitter i between bites.
I follow Knox on twitter and dude lost crazy weight, good on him.
Expecting some electric sabermetrics in the coming weeks
The thought of something bringing homemade burgers into a theatre made sifting through this warm milk of a take worth it
No one should feel obligated but as a dude I would be disappointed.
In my mind it is like saying you are opposed to diamond trade and won’t be getting your lady a ring outside of a solid band.
Both are tired traditions, but traditions that a lot of people would feel disappointed in missing out on.
Dallas don’t count, we annexed them a long time ago in our minds
Chicago all day, coming fro a salty Texan who would gladly move there
What kind of idiot starts accutane the week before a bachlor party.
Pizza is bae and the word doggo is usually peppered in there as well
Was really hoping you were gonna hit the pizza trifecta on Sunday
He likes to skaaaaateboard
Wicklow is the new dark horse on the block
We need a definitive power ranking of Mexican beers
Really thought this was gonna take a dark turn at the end
It seems like a decent option for Texas as well. Direct flights on southwest are crazy cheap. Transportation to aspen would probably double your costs though.
*to Properly heat it up.
Microwaved pizza < Cold pizza