Bill, would you agree that there’s also a pro to the structure? As long as someone is paying their student loans, the loan technically should retain its value where as in the real estate crash, even people who were paying on time got screwed because the value of the underlying home fell below the outstanding Mortgage balance. Shouldn’t a lenders ability to garnish wages offset some of the risk spurred by unsecured loans?
Adding to Desk Jockeys statement, there is also no physical asset behind student debt, like there is in a Mortgage. One could maybe get into an argument about the discounted value of a college degree vs how much was paid, but student loan backed securities don’t behave like Mortgage backed securities.
While I don’t doubt that our generation’s ability to spend money due to debt burden will have an impact on the global economy, it won’t create a global collapse.
If you’re worried about the risk of a systemic global crash, sovereign debt is what you should be reading about, not student loans.
To tack onto what OkCPA is saying – being friends with a girl you’re attracted to, but who doesn’t share the same feelings, is terrible for your mental health/self esteem. I’m speaking from first hand experience. Losing a friend sucks, but having a friend that makes you feel like a beta male is worse.
You did the right thing to not text Mia back. If she comes back (or in the event that you find yourself in this situation again), you need to put the cards on the table and if she hits you with the “I like you better as a friend” tell her straight up that you’re attracted to her, the feeling isn’t going away anytime soon, and that it’d be best if you went your own way. She will at least gain some respect for you and may change her mind in the future. In the event that she doesn’t, you’ll at least walk away knowing that you stuck up for yourself.
Last thing. From what I’ve read, you and I have a lot in common (when it comes to talking to girls). I’m not good at seducing women through texts; I always beat around the bush because I feel like being forward or suggestive is awkward (I’ve been told its not but still feels weird). Ive accepted that I’ll never be an SMS Casanova and now just text minimally to establish an in person meeting. Go in for the kiss while hanging in person. It’s a hit or miss but saves you time you could be spending with someone who is into it and the awkward agony of trying to figure out if she’s into you through words on a screen.
Gonna shake up some dirty vodka martinis in the comfort of my apt tonight and then bust out the Ruth’s Chris gift card I got for Christmas tomorrow night to celebrate 1 year with the girlfriend.
We gotta let that one go, bud. I know it’s a bummer but a majority of people will always vote with their hearts and not their heads.
If I remember correctly, big dicks are NF.
Bill, would you agree that there’s also a pro to the structure? As long as someone is paying their student loans, the loan technically should retain its value where as in the real estate crash, even people who were paying on time got screwed because the value of the underlying home fell below the outstanding Mortgage balance. Shouldn’t a lenders ability to garnish wages offset some of the risk spurred by unsecured loans?
Well Bill beat me to it.
Adding to Desk Jockeys statement, there is also no physical asset behind student debt, like there is in a Mortgage. One could maybe get into an argument about the discounted value of a college degree vs how much was paid, but student loan backed securities don’t behave like Mortgage backed securities.
While I don’t doubt that our generation’s ability to spend money due to debt burden will have an impact on the global economy, it won’t create a global collapse.
If you’re worried about the risk of a systemic global crash, sovereign debt is what you should be reading about, not student loans.
I like the breakfast when hungover but stay away from the rest. Not that I’m above fast food, there are just better places for chicken and burgers.
Username checks out.
I keep a bottle of Titos and and a mini speaker in my desk. I’m the only one left if I stay late and I enjoy having the place to myself.
I’m unable to change my desktop background to anything outside of what comes with Microsoft. PGP.
“Money For Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve” is a good documentary on Netflix that covers this issue.
Get after it. Godspeed.
To tack onto what OkCPA is saying – being friends with a girl you’re attracted to, but who doesn’t share the same feelings, is terrible for your mental health/self esteem. I’m speaking from first hand experience. Losing a friend sucks, but having a friend that makes you feel like a beta male is worse.
You did the right thing to not text Mia back. If she comes back (or in the event that you find yourself in this situation again), you need to put the cards on the table and if she hits you with the “I like you better as a friend” tell her straight up that you’re attracted to her, the feeling isn’t going away anytime soon, and that it’d be best if you went your own way. She will at least gain some respect for you and may change her mind in the future. In the event that she doesn’t, you’ll at least walk away knowing that you stuck up for yourself.
Last thing. From what I’ve read, you and I have a lot in common (when it comes to talking to girls). I’m not good at seducing women through texts; I always beat around the bush because I feel like being forward or suggestive is awkward (I’ve been told its not but still feels weird). Ive accepted that I’ll never be an SMS Casanova and now just text minimally to establish an in person meeting. Go in for the kiss while hanging in person. It’s a hit or miss but saves you time you could be spending with someone who is into it and the awkward agony of trying to figure out if she’s into you through words on a screen.
My feed is nothing but memes and sports pages.
Dubya and Barry also spent their fair share of time on the links. If I recall correctly, Barry also liked his heaters.
Hell yeah, man. Fuck teenagers. Congrats on your own place.
I thoroughly enjoyed wandering around Chinatown while drunk last time I was there. Highly recommend.
Gonna shake up some dirty vodka martinis in the comfort of my apt tonight and then bust out the Ruth’s Chris gift card I got for Christmas tomorrow night to celebrate 1 year with the girlfriend.
Add some salt to the rim, an extra lemon wedge, and you’ve got yourself a chilton. Best summer drink in my opinion.
This made my day.