Casino Steve

Casino Steve is a man of simple pleasures. He enjoys a bottle of scotch each night as he watches the Team of the South excel in America's greatest past time. Then, during the inevitable fold of the South's Team, Steve drowns his September sorrows in a bottle of Jack Daniel's delicious whiskey while watching the Tide rise for a 16th time. Outside of his leisure time, Casino Steve finds time to write creatively in between looking busy at his Public Relations job in the Heart of Dixie and investing his money at the race track.

Member Since 07/16/2013

Looking forward to my buddy’s wedding simply because it will be a great opportunity to take a quality LinkedIn photo. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Quit my job on my birthday. Best gift I have ever received. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

I like to live life on the edge in that sometimes I go grocery shopping without a list. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Now I know what my parents were talking about. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Submitting the same rejected PGP wall post three times because you know most sales occur on the third call. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Just got a raise. After taxes I am now bringing home an extra $17 every two weeks. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Some just went rogue and sent 56 blank emails to the list-serve, asshole. #PGP

Post Grad Problems

Getting disciplined by your boss for doing what your boss’ boss told you to do.

Post Grad Problems

Not understanding how people with lower salaries manage to eat out every night.

Post Grad Problems

Rehearsing your quitting speech during the morning commute. Every morning.

Post Grad Problems