Completely disagree about credit cards. As long as you pay them off fully each month, you can take advantage of amazing perks that various cards offer. Whether it’s for travel points or cash back or doubling warranty on your purchases or matching a lower price if you find it within 90 days of purchase, being smart with credit cards can save you lots of money.
Also, the myth about having many cards hurting your credit score is total BS. Your debt to credit ratio is a big component of your credit score and more cards means more credit, which translates into a lower ratio and a higher score.
Best of luck. If you can, use that finance and accounting degree to grab a spot in public accounting. There’s always a need for someone to do cash confirms and inventory counts.
And your Addy prescription will make you the most popular first year in the office.
No way. The 6 weeks from the Monday before Thanksgiving to the first workday after New Years are by far the best time of the year and should be savored appropriately.
A few years back when I was still slaving away at a Big 4, I had a client in Reno. Afterwards, we’d go to this all you can eat sushi bar whose name I can’t remember and the sushi chef, who went by the name of Godzilla (she was maybe 4’9″), would basically give us whatever she thought we’d like and we’d never look at the menu. Half the things she gave us she made up on the spot.
To this day, it’s the best sushi I’ve ever had. Man, I miss Godzilla.
Let me guess….they’re the type of people that have a salad for lunch because they “want to be healthy” yet soak it in ranch dressing and chase it with a Diet Coke.
I’ll echo others’ sentiment that this is a great article.
Also, as a country, we could do more to get rid of the stigma of mental illnesses. I’m sure that if more people saw depression like they see the flu, there would be less drug addiction and suicide occurrences.
Completely disagree about credit cards. As long as you pay them off fully each month, you can take advantage of amazing perks that various cards offer. Whether it’s for travel points or cash back or doubling warranty on your purchases or matching a lower price if you find it within 90 days of purchase, being smart with credit cards can save you lots of money.
Also, the myth about having many cards hurting your credit score is total BS. Your debt to credit ratio is a big component of your credit score and more cards means more credit, which translates into a lower ratio and a higher score.
Best of luck. If you can, use that finance and accounting degree to grab a spot in public accounting. There’s always a need for someone to do cash confirms and inventory counts.
And your Addy prescription will make you the most popular first year in the office.
No way. The 6 weeks from the Monday before Thanksgiving to the first workday after New Years are by far the best time of the year and should be savored appropriately.
Yeah I realized that after I posted. It’s Friday…¯_(ツ)_/¯
But what are the top 10 cities for moaning girls?
If my plan A of retiring on a private island doesn’t work out, being like Dale and Barry seems like a decent plan B.
A few years back when I was still slaving away at a Big 4, I had a client in Reno. Afterwards, we’d go to this all you can eat sushi bar whose name I can’t remember and the sushi chef, who went by the name of Godzilla (she was maybe 4’9″), would basically give us whatever she thought we’d like and we’d never look at the menu. Half the things she gave us she made up on the spot.
To this day, it’s the best sushi I’ve ever had. Man, I miss Godzilla.
Pun intended?
Let me guess….they’re the type of people that have a salad for lunch because they “want to be healthy” yet soak it in ranch dressing and chase it with a Diet Coke.
This sounds like hell on Earth…and I’m a fellow member of the tribe.
She must be insane in bed
For some reason, T-Pain’s “I’m in love with a stripper” started playing in my head as I read this.
Username checks out
Because sex?
They sell usually stuff…and you can expense it for honesty’s sake.
It sure would suck if that shitty airplane food gave you food poisoning and you had to stay home that day…
I’ll echo others’ sentiment that this is a great article.
Also, as a country, we could do more to get rid of the stigma of mental illnesses. I’m sure that if more people saw depression like they see the flu, there would be less drug addiction and suicide occurrences.
People like you are why Trump won.