
Member Since 06/12/2013

  • BigHank 11 years ago on Whole Foods Employee Hilariously Blasts Company In Resignation Letter

    Overall, terrible letter. Not amusing. Filled with terrible grammar. Attempts to pass off opinion as fact. “Being 20 minutes late to work doesn’t really matter”??? Are you kidding? Have you ever had a job before? Sorry, but it sounds like this person just sucked at their job and loves to complain.

    TL;DR – Oh my gosh. Working in retail sucks. Who would have thought?

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  • BigHank 11 years ago on 10 Reasons Why Spurs-Heat Will Make You Hate Basketball

    It upsets me that flopping is the main subject of conversation in the NBA today. It’s like we pretend it’s something that has just come about. Every team in the past 30 years has flopped, and quite a bit (early 90s Pistons are probably the only team not guilty of this). Heck, Red Auerbach made a video about how much he hated flopping in the NBA back in the freaking mid-60s.

    It’s just that we now have 100 camera angles of every action sequence in the NBA, and Twitter has allowed every ESPN gasbag with half a brain the ability to sound off on anything and hundreds of thousands of sheep will agree.

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  • BigHank 11 years ago on Cult TV Show Fans Are The Worst

    The thing is, I rarely converse with people who think they’re better than me because they watch the Kardashians, Real Housewives, etc. But everyone who watches Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones definitely carries an air of superiority wherever they go.

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