
Member Since 05/22/2018

  • awkwardmenagerie 6 years ago on Mailbag: Company Slack Etiquette, Making Much More Than The Guy You're Dating, And Are HS Reunions Worth Attending?

    On HS reunions…I was semi-forced into (girl planning it lives in my apartment complex and asked me to go) and semi-hopeful about my 10 yr. reunion. I hoped that since I’d changed from an incredibly awkward oddball in high school into a more confident, slightly awkward oddball, my peers might have changed too. Hell, maybe even some of them would want to hang out sometime. Gotta diversify that friend group.

    But when I got there, everyone reverted back to their high school selves. My confidence waned, but that bastard thing with feathers, hope, kept me there way longer than I should have stayed. The whole experience was a little traumatic honestly. Now I didn’t have an awesome husband to show off, so that isolated me even more. But he may provide some insulation from the events.

    So if you want to go, go. But don’t stay long. People change, but reunions (at least mine) have a tendency to transport people back to their high school selves. Shit screwed me up for a few months afterwards. 10/10 do not recommend.

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  • awkwardmenagerie 6 years ago on Mailbag: Smelly Gym Guy, First Date Transportation Etiquette, And Am I The Only One NOT Doing Coke?

    The gym guy could be making the nastiest of all power moves. Guess what he had while everyone else couldn’t stand his stench: unlimited turf space. We have a client who does the same thing in meetings. He doesn’t bathe for weeks leading up to an important meeting as a power move to intimidate the weaklings he’s going to annihilate. That being said, it’s a dick move.

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