I just taught my boss how to indent in an email. PGP.
Almost a year in and I’m still not sure where the corporate line between appropriate and inappropriate cleavage is. PGP.
Every week, I am forced to listen to the woman in the cubicle next to me tell her husband what to get from the grocery store for at least 25 minutes. PGP.
My tax bracket says I make enough money to support myself. My bank account doesn’t agree. PGP.
I’m subconsciously trying to get myself fired, and if I don’t figure out how to stop it, it’s going to work. PGP.
The woman in the cube next to me is blasting that Sarah McLachlan song from the ASPCA commercials. It’s too early for this. PGP.
Having nothing to add to the office conversation about potty training techniques. PGP.
Looking at your pay statement and imagining all the things you could buy with the money taken out for taxes. PGP.