The person who wrote this represents everything I stand against. I’m a Libertarian, I do what I want I don’t need you to tell me to dance or not. You’re not my parent!
Workchella: the festival none of these people attended because they are either A. Celebrities B. Live on daddy’s money or C. Did not have a 1040 in 2016
That’s when you say “I’ll just show myself out.”
Fellow university employee commenting. I feel your pain.
Total Michael Scott move. AKA my personal nightmare.
I moved back to my old town in July. Other than the Bible, I have never read so much truth in something.
What’s having an office like?
Spending half of your lunch break in traffic to get lunch. PGP
Welcome to the Big Leagues kid.
Congrats on the apartment. Been almost three years since the four glorious years and I’m still living at home.
I think they’re disgusting. If this makes you mad, please proceed to my address to scold me so I can observe this.
Why does this seem all too relevant?
Or also having this dilemma with dating. Being 25 can be interesting.
The person who wrote this represents everything I stand against. I’m a Libertarian, I do what I want I don’t need you to tell me to dance or not. You’re not my parent!
Dear God. Send them the following link:
Cheaper than chubbies. Sky’s out thighs out.
Cold brew. Straight black. If you don’t drink t black you’re not an American.
Well that’s about as good as me eating turkey sandwiches all day every day. Think I have you beat.
I’m here at 24 already. I’m not single but my girlfriend is in two of three weddings we have to go to this year alone.
Workchella: the festival none of these people attended because they are either A. Celebrities B. Live on daddy’s money or C. Did not have a 1040 in 2016
You and me both bud. You and me both.
Got to be subtle. You came off too obvious.
Well he obviously didn’t get enough corrective training during pledgeship to have enough sense like you do.