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Nothing really screws up a potentially decent day at work like a shitty commute. Thanks to states handing out drivers licenses like candy on Halloween, there are plenty of idiotic, unsafe, semi-conscious, irresponsible drivers out there to really screw up your day. Even the most basic rules of the road are thrown to the wind because what are bad drivers going to do, die in an accident? Probably. Here are the worst moves pulled by drivers during your commute.
1. Not Obeying Left Lane Rules
I think we can all agree that this is the worst of the worst, and it causes more accidents than speeding. The only reason to be in the left lane is if you are moving faster than cars to your right or taking a lefthand exit, fork, or left turn within the next half mile. That’s it. Slow drivers in the fast lane force faster drivers to suddenly slow down, change lanes, and maneuver to keep traffic flowing. These create situations more likely to cause accidents. Accidents create traffic backups. Accidents and traffic backups ruin your commute and by the time you get to work you want to murder someone.
2. Not Holding Their Lane and Driving Slow
I put these two together because they are usually caused by the same thing—distracted driving. Even if you are in the middle or right lane, not keeping up with the flow of traffic is dangerous and irritating. Usually, these people are texting, doing their makeup or other grooming, or are on their phone and are mentally incapable of such multitasking. If you can’t even drive the speed limit and hold your lane while doing these things, save it for the parking lot. States have made it worse by outlawing texting. Unintentional consequences. People are going to text and drive no matter what. When they could hold up their phone in front of their windshield and text, they still sucked, but it was much less dangerous than texting in their lap to hide from the cops and having their eyes completely off the road. Sure, you can usually drive around these people…unless you are blocked by a slow driver in the left lane.
3. People Who Stay in the Wrong Lane Until the Last Moment
I literally encounter this every commute at the same intersection. The intersection has not changed for years. The right turn lane is exit only. It’s been exit only for years and years and years. The signs mark it as exit only. But idiots still insist on staying in that lane and then blocking it while trying to merge back into normal traffic. I do try my best to scare sense into these people by driving my truck as close as possible to them and leaning on my horn. Sometimes people need a wakeup call. In my moments of road rage I’ve considered getting a bull bar to tap them a little, but I’ll just be a social justice martyr with an unfavorable court appearance. Not on my bucket list.
4. People Who Don’t Go When the Light is Green
Nothing will ruin your commute quite like missing a light or almost missing a light because some dumbass is staring at his or her phone or is yielding to left turns when they have the right of way. You have the right of way. You can go. The light is green. Why are you yielding? Go, asshole! And get off your damn phone and pay attention to the light. I’m getting angry just thinking about it.
5. People Who Swing Out Before Making Turns
Get the hell out of my lane. You’re driving a Prius, not an 18 wheeler. I don’t need a reason to maneuver into another lane because you think you need another three feet between you and the curb. I think you’ll be okay.
Dishonorable Mention: Bikers
Not exactly drivers, but nonetheless another annoying obstacle to your commute. Some Lance Armstrong wannabe wants to put on some bulge-hugging spandex and ride on the road in the name of fitness. How about fitness bumper in your back tire and throwing your face into the asphalt. There are bike paths popping up everywhere, get off the road. .
Bikers are the worst. They want all drivers to “share the road” but don’t want to follow the same traffic laws. Mother fuckers never stop at 4 way stops, and just roll through red lights. Can’t stand em.
They are the absolute WORST. I have to drive on a college campus every day and not only do I have to worry about running a kid over who doesn’t look both ways as they’re crossing the street because they have their Beats by Dre on and are texting, I have to worry about those sneaky bikers running through stop signs and flying up next to me as I’m trying to turn right. Sneaky little devils.
Literally had this exact thing happen to me last weekend. The asshole just went right though the 4 way stop sign like it wasn’t even there. If I didn’t see him out of the corner of my eye, I would’ve definitely run him over.
-People who stop at a blinking yellow. Unless I misunderstood my driver’s manual, blinking yellow means proceed with caution, not STOP.
-People who don’t understand how a four-way stop works.
-People who, during congestion, pull out on the shoulder or in a merge lane that’s about to end in order to skip the line and try to butt in ahead. They personally can fuck off.
-People who are about to pull into a left turn lane to turn left and almost come to a complete stop while still in the lane of traffic.
I may have road rage issues.
People who try to butt in and skip the line for a merge lane or whatever are the worst type of assholes. Makes me angry to just think about it.
They bother the shit out of me almost as much as the asshats that let them back in. I will never you let you back in if you pull that shoulder nonsense
Pull into the merge lane and prevent them from skipping, then they get angry and you laugh at them.
100% did that in a construction zone. The guy flipped me off, and I just smiled and made sure he couldn’t pass anymore people. Street justice for the PGPer.
The bigger the SUV/Truck you have the more effective it is, I especially love when semi drivers do this to people and I can see the victim rage.
– People who turn their hazard lights, but not their headlights, on in the rain.
Listen, I’m not going to sit there 3 fucking miles back before the left lane ends, crawling through traffic at a pace retreating glaciers would be proud of because you think it necessary to get over NOW. The lane ends in 3 fucking miles and when you all decide to merge over before you need to, THAT’S what slows down traffic. I hope it pisses you off that I don’t merge before I need to because I won’t and it saves me 20 minutes out of the three hours I get to myself a day.
am going to stay in that lane until I’m required to get over.
I hate people who keep their blinkers on after changing lanes, it may be minor but it just pisses me off so much.
I like my end of day commute as it’s the only time I’m completely alone. PGP
We all die alone; something to look forward to
Everyone I know that works from home says the commute is something they definitely didn’t expect to, but actually miss for this same reason.
I haven’t made a left arrow turn on the first try since people started texting and driving
#6 Roundabouts. Holy shit am I cautious in these thanks to the assholes that refuse to yield and blast through them without bothering to look.
Bikers can kiss my ass. I deal with these assholes riding in the middle of turn only lanes at two miles an hour with no intention of turning every day. Then they stop at the red light and wait for green so I can’t turn. Fuckers.
There was a round about near my house in college and every weekend people would just fly straight through it.
think this adds to your #5 but when you’re entering a parking lot or store lot from the street and there is a car there ready to make a right turn on to the street and they are in the middle of the damn entrance of the parking lot. They have 4 more damn feet to the right of them and now i’m having to maneuver my jeep at a snails pace so i dont remove their front driver side quarter pannel when entering. also get some decent size tires for your truck and an offset for em they act like a buffer zone and if someone side swipes you like in #3 they’re the ones needing to get to get their car fixed while you just have some scuff marks on your tires.
I think Ludacris had a great set of lyrics with respect to issue number one. Also, totally agree on the bikers.
Two words: School Buses.
People who stop at yield signs. WHY.