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The winter months are tough. There’s the cold, the lack of desire to do anything, and for some, seasonal depression. Up north, it’s already been snowing since the back half of November, and despite getting the opportunity to experience winter before everyone else, this does not make us cooler than anyone… just colder.
For many, working in an office in December is the same as working at a post office, essentially mailing it in all month. Friends, who just a few months ago were blowing up the group chat with talks of happy hour and rooftops, become hermits as their basic human need to stay warm overtakes their want of a cold beer on a colder day at the local watering hole.
But it doesn’t all have to be bad. So gather ’round, boys and girls, because ol’ St Nick is here to make your winter suck less. Here are a couple suggestions to improve your commute and your mood as we count down the days until we hit 50 degrees again. Let’s ride.
Shoe Spikes
I walk to work every morning because it’s fun, it gives me energy, and it’s a great way to stay in shape. In reality, I walk because I live literally two blocks from work. Sometimes the walk is treacherous though, as nobody salts their sidewalks around here, so I walk in the street. Have I been hit by a car yet? Unfortunately not, but I’m optimistic that one day my luck will turn around. To make this walk easier, I’ve considered buying shoe spikes. Do any of you have them? Because they seem great. No longer would I have to worry about slipping on my rear; I could instead step on the ice confidently like a badass mountain climber, but instead of a pickaxe and parka I’d be carrying a backpack with two laptops (flex) and a thermos of coffee.
Car Care
Like a rich neighborhood across from a lower income housing unit, garaged parking is a luxury some have only dreamed of. Personally, my roommate and I split a garage spot, so one month he gets it and the other month I do. Luckily, as I mentioned above, we live very close to work so it’s not a huge deal. But I’ve recently made a purchase that is going to turn my off months on its head.
I introduce to you: The IceGuard. It goes over your windshield and then you just take it off in the morning when you’re ready to drive to work. Granted you could try driving with it on, but it’d probably turn out similarly to when Ricky Bobby had that bigass Fig Newtons sticker on his windshield. And no longer will you have to subject yourself to bloody knuckles from scraping the windshield without your gloves on. Instead, you just rip it off and you’re ready to ride. I mean, you could also get a remote car starter for your vehicle, but I’ll report back on this $20 option first because I’m a fiscally responsible snowballer on a budget.
Exercise & Fitness
There are rumors that exercise releases endorphins, which lift your mood and make you happier. And although this isn’t winter-specific, it’s super easy to skip the gym in lieu of sweatpants and Netflix. So hold yourself accountable, and if you can’t do that, schedule a workout class. Instead of just creating an excuse for yourself you’ll be obligated to go, and you’ll for sure feel better about yourself afterward.
Being Social
Social obligations are also easy to cancel on. As John Mulaney said: “In terms of like, instant relief, canceling plans is like heroin.” In my eyes, social interaction is also necessary, as I go stir crazy and feel sad if I spend a weekend by myself in the house. So text your friends up. And if you don’t have friends, text me.
And Yeah, Alcohol
Okay, here it is: the real reason we make it through the winter. Do you like red wine? Great, stock up on a wine bundle and pour yourself a glass. More of a beer fan? Perfect, put some cinnamon sugar on the rim and enjoy a pint of Great Lakes Christmas Ale. Bourbon or whiskey instead? Well, that’s pretty neat. Whether it’s at a holiday party, Christmas with the family, New Years with your lover, or just alone after a long day of work, grab a drink before your ‘New Year New Me’ no alcohol new year. Or don’t… I’ve heard being sober is fun too. .
Shoutout to Great Lakes Christmas Ale for providing some of the most brutal hangovers ever.
Cleveland rocks
Vitamin D supplementation is a must (at least for me) in winter. Research has shown it can help fight SAD and just boost mood/health in general.
Try Vitamin C(ocaine)
I think we’d be friends.
Where’s Devin?
Gotta get yourself some skyways.
Indoor parking at home, covered ramp at work, walk the skyway to the office, and I don’t have to deal with the elements when I don’t want to. Makes winter a lot less depressing.
I kinda miss the skyways. But then I remember I hated my job up there.
Can’t recommend the shoe spikes (spirals?) enough, nothing will make you feel more badass than being steady on ice.
I’ve always called them crampons, must have for bean boots in winter
Yak Tracks are where it’s at. I wore them all through winters in college (Montana). Just slip them on over your shoes or boots and you don’t slide on ice or snow.
easy way to create shoe spikes– take some (super short!) sheet metal screws and screw them into the bottom of an old pair of shoes or boots. Costs about $2 and works like a charm.
Come to California, it’s expensive but worth every penny!
Potentially unpopular opinion – every year the batch of GL Christmas Ale goes down in quality and Thirsty Dog 12 Dogs of Christmas gets better and better.
Never understood why people bitch about the cold. Yeah, it’s not as fun as summer or fall, but if you have a proper jacket, hat and gloves you’re fine. It’s funny when folks complain about the cold then go out in sweatpants, a sweatshirt and tennis shoes with ankle socks. Like no shit you’re cold.
Also skiing is fun.
those skis yours?
Both of em?
Come on down to Florida, you don’t need any of that snow stuff.