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I know a lot of you out there suffer from the Sunday Scaries more often than you’d like to admit. This weekend I dealt with it myself after catching a cheap shot, spending way too much money on a bachelor party, and getting escorted out of an MLB game. Scaries were at an all time high as the end of Saturday night brought along Sunday and that unwavering fear of looking at bank statements, getting embarrassing drunk play by plays, and making sure there was no welt on my face.
Right now though, at this very moment I have a bad case of the “Seasonal Scaries.” The other weekend while riding back from the beach, I noticed the once green fields of corn turning a dried sea of beige stalks, the leaves were starting to give off an orange glow, and I heard the sounds of leaves crunching underneath my beloved Rainbows. I’ve had my first taste of fall. I just ate an apple cider donut at my desk. I’ve already seen the tweets about basics rejoicing in the name of pumpkin spice.
We officially have about four more days left of summer… to put summer in a Sunday Scaries timeframe, it’s 8:00 P.M, I just woke up from a nap with two missed calls, my brunch buzz has worn off, and I’m filled with that weird feeling of angst before I get bitch slapped by Monday when I wake up.
Where did the time go, summer? It seems like just yesterday we were going full swing, Hawaiian shirts on our back, concert music filling the air, and we were living the #MargLife religiously on weekends… Hell, even some weeknights. The time at the beach blurred together with barbecues and nights just spent drinking outside on the patio. I feel like we had just gotten started and now you’re just up and leaving me until May or June of next year. I know it’s not goodbye and only see you later, but dammit, summer. WHY DOES IT HURT SO BAD TO SEE YOU GO?!
There was so much more I wanted to do with you summer. I barely got in half the miles on the SUP I did last year, I haven’t read nearly enough books on the beach, and although dismal as it may have been for me… I didn’t get to see enough MLB action at Citizens Bank Park.
But as this week progressed and after tasting my first pumpkin spice Oreo, I had a realization. Much like how 10:00 p.m. on Sunday comes around and I look at my bank statement and mentally go over a play by play of the weekend, I realize it’s going to be alright. Sure I might have to hang up the Hawaiians soon, the bows will be replaced by a new pair of Sperry’s, and I’ll have to save the #Marglife exclusively for nights eating out at that new Mexican place. The FOMO of summer is soon replaced by the joys of fall. I suddenly realize Football is back in full swing and I have a lot higher hopes for my football team than the Phils, running outside actually feels comfortable, I finally have an excuse to make pumpkin pies/dump cakes because I love pumpkin anything, the Hawaiians are replaced by rugged flannels and vest that only accentuate my beard, and I remind myself that grilling is an all year thing.
Next month, I’ll have the opportunity to win costume contests with outlandish Halloween getups while getting shitfaced looking ridiculous with friends, or maybe even try a crazy couples costume with my girlfriend (dibs on being Hillary if you dress as Trump, babe). And eventually we’ll all have Thanksgiving to spend with family stuffing our faces, watching football, and recovering from Thanksgiving Eve.
After realizing just how great fall can be after a yearlong hiatus I’m ready to get back and rekindle my romance with this basic pumpkin-spice loving beauty. I’ll have to switch up the #MargLife for the Hotty Toddy and #CiderLife, and I’ve come to terms with that.
For these next few days though…before fall officially starts. I’m going to wear a Hawaiian shirt or two, listen to a few Buffett songs, and on that last night, I’ll hoist up my margarita and say thanks for the memories summer… I can’t wait to see you again next year. .
Image via Unsplash
Someone call Kendra and tell her this is what an article looks like.
Maybe she’ll own destroying her and Shibb’s relationship, but probably not.
Is getting her name wrong part of the joke, and I just missed it? I’ve seen it happen a few times now.
If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.
Wearing Tommy Bahama linen camp shirts is not a seasonal trend. It’s a lifestyle choice, one that I take very seriously. You can take away my warm weather, but you will NEVER take away the soft breathable texture of linen!!!
I just can’t handle short sleeves and sub 50 weather, man.
That’s why I moved from Princeton to Charlotte.
For me, the “scaries” weren’t a thing until I learned about them. Once it’s in there, it doesn’t leave. PGP.
I’m not sure how much hope you should have after that display by the Eagles last night.
I wrote this and submitted it last Thursday night. I’m feeling pretty down today
Shibby where are you from?
Based on the multiple Phillies & Eagles references I’d assume somewhere in that metro area is a safe assumption.
After that loss it enhances the scaries ten fold. Especially as an avid sports talk radio listener (PGP) in the philadelphia area there is no joy to be had on this miserable 0-2 monday. It is therapeutic to listen to them rip on the birds so I know I’m not alone in my misery.
Is there ever joy to be had in Philadelphia?
Maybe we can get the Pope to bless our sports teams.
Yes, yes there is. But Chip is trying to steal my fall which is bullshit.
#CiderLife and #MargLife can totally coexist in harmony. Cheers
I fucking love fall.
So you got the scaries in the middle of a three day weekend?