Underdepreciated 7 years ago on Am I The Only Person Who Hates Breakfast For Dinner? Name checks out 19 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Underdepreciated 7 years ago on Is Stealing Office Supplies Really Stealing? Username checks out 9 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Underdepreciated 7 years ago on You Become A Real Adult When You Stop Fearing The Accidental Pregnancy I️ have a kid (planned) and am still terrified of the accidental pregnancy. 3 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Underdepreciated 8 years ago on Things Girls Do After Graduation: Group Photo Will constantly tests and expands our tolerance for this behavior. Every week it get harder to be surprised by girl’s shallowness. 8 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Name checks out
Username checks out
I️ have a kid (planned) and am still terrified of the accidental pregnancy.
Will constantly tests and expands our tolerance for this behavior. Every week it get harder to be surprised by girl’s shallowness.