I have no sympathy for kids who screwed around in high school to where they couldn’t get a scholarship, and then took out a loan to go to an out of state party school to major in history for 5 years.
Rising tuition isn’t news. Not everyone ought to go to college, and kids should take some responsibility for lacking long term goals and planning.
In other news, going to a trade school to become a plumber, electrician, and mechanic, while not very glamorous, is very profitable career path and much cheaper.
Or bitch and moan and down vote me. I’m a white man but I worked my ass off and was able to get scholarships to pay for school while having a part time job. Enjoy your debt.
I am still surprised that pop tarts and kids breakfast cereals are acceptable meal options today. Although, I do go nuts over Cap’n Crunch Oops All Berries, that shit is crack.
No, it’s not.
^TSM username likes TSM-esque article.
I thought D-man was Dorn.
Having to instruct the TFM graduates on PGP etiquette. PGP.
Get that John Wayne Gacey shit out of here.
The vast majority of these are garbage. Damn near makes me wish Blockbuster was still around.
I have no sympathy for kids who screwed around in high school to where they couldn’t get a scholarship, and then took out a loan to go to an out of state party school to major in history for 5 years.
Rising tuition isn’t news. Not everyone ought to go to college, and kids should take some responsibility for lacking long term goals and planning.
In other news, going to a trade school to become a plumber, electrician, and mechanic, while not very glamorous, is very profitable career path and much cheaper.
Or bitch and moan and down vote me. I’m a white man but I worked my ass off and was able to get scholarships to pay for school while having a part time job. Enjoy your debt.
Brian, there are some trolls out there even the bravest knights wouldn’t slay.
How very Chive of you.
Get a scholarship, dumbasses.
Being ugly isn’t a choice.
Divine retribution for deflategate.
A weekend article!?
Do people still think Key and Peele are funny? They had the Obama sketches but really that’s about it.
Fucking hipster comedy shit.
They do not pity you either. Oh no my friend, they hate you.
I think he was saying that perhaps HBO should look at its own yard before they try and tell me to use Miracle Grow instead of Scot’s Lawn.
I like to read these in Pete’s voice and imagining him being 10x the douche he is on Mad Men.
You are not better than Applebee’s.
I am still surprised that pop tarts and kids breakfast cereals are acceptable meal options today. Although, I do go nuts over Cap’n Crunch Oops All Berries, that shit is crack.