Any restaurant that says their system can’t process more than three cards is lying. It’s like when gas stations or party stores have $5 minimums — straight up lie. If Visa found out they weren’t accepting Visas for small transactions, they would stop the establishment from using their cards altogether.
DM Micah and let him know that the people want it.
Just wait until the only weekend content is my Frasier tweets.
Weirdly enough, I hardly shop at Whole Foods unless I’m hitting the hot bar / I’m being lazy.
Yeah, I’d use the mobile site for the next few days. Not ideal, obviously, but we appreciate you working through it with us.
You click “Articles” at the top of the page.
I don’t know, man. I blog for a living. Just spell bettre.
Yeah, NO ONE would abuse that.
Legit thought I was getting fired or something when I got the text from Dave asking where I was.
*queue every scotch snob raining hate onto duda for dewars takes*
Tryna make it happen.
I have a 10:45 at Chez Henri on Friday if you’re interested.
we get it you have a girlfriend
Everyone can spare the extra $1 for her glass of wine.
Ah, that sucks. I’ve been in a couple hungover arguments with store owners while trying to just buy a damn Gatorade.
Any restaurant that says their system can’t process more than three cards is lying. It’s like when gas stations or party stores have $5 minimums — straight up lie. If Visa found out they weren’t accepting Visas for small transactions, they would stop the establishment from using their cards altogether.
I could tolerate if it’s 5 people and you split it up three ways (2-2-1), but anything more than that is an equal split.
They don’t pay. If they have a significant other, that significant other throws in their card. If that person is single, whole squad treats them.
I think the way I’m holding my phone while in bed is affecting my wrist/golf swing.
I’ll be honest, 90% of the stories aren’t unbelievably outlandish. There are some stories every week that seem amplified though.