Strategery 10 years ago on The 5 Hottest Women Of HGTV She’s the first person I thought of. I thought she’d be in the top 2, but not even on the list? C’mon, Andy. 25 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Strategery 10 years ago on The Ultimate Guide To Which American Cities Have Terrible Drivers McGannon, thank you for including KCMO’s problem with Kansas drivers. Nobody from the outside ever believes us until they get here and see awful the JoCo’s and Dotters truly are. 19 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Strategery 10 years ago on I quoted "Varsity Blues" in a meeting. No one had any idea what the fuck I was talking about. PGP. After the meeting, your boss asked the HR guy, “What’s the fuck is an Oopty Oop?” 1 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Strategery 10 years ago on Realistic Threats Women Wish Upon Each Other What the f**k is a “Taffeta”? 23 Log in to reply or vote on comments
She’s the first person I thought of. I thought she’d be in the top 2, but not even on the list? C’mon, Andy.
McGannon, thank you for including KCMO’s problem with Kansas drivers. Nobody from the outside ever believes us until they get here and see awful the JoCo’s and Dotters truly are.
After the meeting, your boss asked the HR guy, “What’s the fuck is an Oopty Oop?”
What the f**k is a “Taffeta”?