
Member Since 01/10/2017

  • StacysMom 7 years ago on You Have To Know When To Call It Quits

    Hi everyone! *Real* Stacy here! I am happy you all support Charlie and love his writing. He is a very talented writer and I always told him that. I was led on and blindsided which sucks for anyone to have to deal with. I did not have hard feelings towards Charlie until I woke up and saw yet another article written about me. I’m not here to bash him, I’m here to tell you to always remember that there are two sides to every story. Its easy to label someone as “crazy” or the “bigger person” when you’re hearing one side. Especially when someone’s emotions are being put out there for all to see and judge. I hope you all continue to support Charlie and his writing because he deserves it! He is a good guy, has his faults like the rest of us, but I hope you all realize the same about me.
    *btw my mom does have it going on*

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