Having to get dressed up for my position even though I have no client interaction and sit in a cubicle all day. PGP.
You know you’ve been on your phone too long when your monitor goes to sleep. PGP
Damn I should have been a teacher.
Really looking forward to Home Depot’s Memorial Day sale. PGP.
Frank the Tank having a, “pretty nice little Saturday,” lined up. PGP
even after hearing how your soul dies in law school, I’m still thinking it sounds better than my current job. PGP.
Paying for your unemployed friends bar tab, because it’s the right thing to do. PGP.
Took Saturday night off from going out. Woke up feeling good Sunday so I raged.
When going out for a beer actually means a single beer. PGP.
Took me until about 10AM to realize it was Thursday, not Friday. – PGP