Counting down the days until my coworker nemesis goes on maternity leave. PGP.
The sense of relief you feel when a second tier friend cancels plans. PGP.
Dated a co-worker. Now I have to walk the long way to the printer and break room. PGP.
Slowly, but surely, I am becoming my mother. PGP.
I think Caitlyn Jenner might be more attractive than me. PGP.
Just cracked open a tall boy…..of Arizona Iced Tea. PGP.
No one that has an office shows up here on Fridays. Only people in windowless cubes. PGP.
Still holding out hope that I’m a late bloomer. PGP.
I always think tomorrow is the day I’ll start giving a shit. Tomorrow never comes. PGP.
The high I get when going rogue with my to-do list. PGP.