I’m on the opposite side of most people here.. I think you shouldn’t go on the second date.. I think in the beginning of a relationship (but not really the relationship part, the courting part) sex and sexual attraction is really really important. Once you’re further in a relationship obviously the sex isn’t going to keep you together, but I strongly believe if you don’t want to jump his bones then don’t waste your time. Now as for bad kissing, that’s a little different, maybe he was nervous? But it might have also just been a sign that you’re not into him
Yeah but what if they’re already sitting when you get in? Or what if they’re sitting in a bar stool and I can’t even reach, ya girl over here is v short
Holy shit sleeping with 7-10 people throughout college? I was aggressively past that.
Secondly, I don’t save people’s number in my phone usually until after the first date. It’s mostly just because I have a very bad problem with drunk texting and don’t want to accidentally drunk text them prior to our date.
I had a dude come over and told him a minimum of 5 times we weren’t fucking before he came over. We started making out and then I stopped him and said again “we’re not fucking” and he promptly started swiping on tinder. Men ain’t shit.
Says the guy who got on a plane to go visit and stay with a PGP commenter he had never met
Which part of the description are you qualifying as sociopathic?
I’m on the opposite side of most people here.. I think you shouldn’t go on the second date.. I think in the beginning of a relationship (but not really the relationship part, the courting part) sex and sexual attraction is really really important. Once you’re further in a relationship obviously the sex isn’t going to keep you together, but I strongly believe if you don’t want to jump his bones then don’t waste your time. Now as for bad kissing, that’s a little different, maybe he was nervous? But it might have also just been a sign that you’re not into him
Yeah but what if they’re already sitting when you get in? Or what if they’re sitting in a bar stool and I can’t even reach, ya girl over here is v short
The thought of kissing someone on the cheek the second I walk into a first date is giving me anxiety.. How do you do this in a non-awkward way?
Surprised we didn’t see any TBOX stories in here
I have an IE degree! What industry are you looking to be in?
This is literally exactly what I do as well.. I have 3 go to first date places all within a 10 minute walk of my apartment
Idk why you’re getting downvoted so much, Home Alone 3 is fucking amazing
CMV coming out with another heater
A couple of things here..
Holy shit sleeping with 7-10 people throughout college? I was aggressively past that.
Secondly, I don’t save people’s number in my phone usually until after the first date. It’s mostly just because I have a very bad problem with drunk texting and don’t want to accidentally drunk text them prior to our date.
You must be new here
My friends planned a Nicole bar crawl tonight where we literally just go to all of my favorite bars so I am fucking pumped
Sounds ideal tbh
The more the merrier.. But only if you’re single af
Want a buddy for that European vacation?
I *attempt* to not menubate, unless it’s a first date. First dates I know exactly what I’m getting before I walk in the door
Sounds like we’re in need of a PGP vacation
I disagree. I’ve definitely done this. Sure I could say no, but I’m also 5 foot tall, and what if he doesn’t take no for an answer?
I had a dude come over and told him a minimum of 5 times we weren’t fucking before he came over. We started making out and then I stopped him and said again “we’re not fucking” and he promptly started swiping on tinder. Men ain’t shit.