
Member Since 11/09/2016

  • MoneyMonkey 7 years ago on This Weekend In Fun: Halloween

    I actually don’t disagree with you. There are people that love it. My brother takes the day off and goes to the event, which I’m sure is fun. It’s not my favorite either slide me an eddy fitz

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  • MoneyMonkey 7 years ago on This Weekend In Fun: Halloween

    They tapped Christmas Ale yesterday. My friend is an event planner for them. She forwarded me an email this morning stating they poured 7600 pints which apparently equates to 1 pint being poured every 6 seconds for 12 hours. Enjoy.

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  • MoneyMonkey 7 years ago on This Weekend In Fun: October 20

    Well Dillon this week was the start of a new job. In the past 2 years I would say I’ve had less than 10 Saturdays off. Tonight, I’m getting fucking annihilated.

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  • MoneyMonkey 7 years ago on It's Añejo Season

    “First week in March when it started to warm up.” Cleveland doesn’t even sniff 70 until the last week of May. Thanks Lake Erie.

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  • MoneyMonkey 7 years ago on About to ask my manager if she would be cool with me applying to an internal role. I've been in my position for roughly 3 months. PGP.

    This is how it happened for me too. Had really good interactions with a number of managers and higher ups at various company events. We had a business plan roll out one evening that was “optional.” I took that evening very seriously and apparently I impressed. Eventually a position opened up with a manager I connected really well with. They never posted it internally. She called me and said I want you if you’re still interested. Obviously I was. This is at a company with 500-600 employees for a point of reference.

    Also it was mentioned above but we have to wait 6 months before posting internally again. Check with HR they may have a similar policy.

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  • MoneyMonkey 7 years ago on The Style Mailbag, Edition 1

    Wow that comment about 2009 may have pushed me over the edge to pull the trigger. I’ve always thought those shoes were beautiful but I was worried I’d spend 400 dollars for basically a summer of wear. Thanks for the tip

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  • MoneyMonkey 7 years ago on Mailbag: Sexual Unfulfillment, Water Cooler Talk, And A Million Dollar Secret

    Interesting that this question popped up today.

    To the female solo traveler:

    This past weekend I flew from Cleveland to Montreal by myself. Pretty much everyone I told my plan to had the same reaction. “…. you’re going alone? Why?” Because I want to. Because I want to see the city and I’m not going to sit around and hope those plans work out with the people around me. Hopefully one day I find a wife that I can share a trip with but since I have no idea when that will happen I pulled the trigger.

    I booked a hostel, flew out and got settled. The hostel had a bar so I went down and had a number of drinks and made small talk with some people down there. After a while I started walking the popular looking streets just sort of exploring. I eventually got tired and turned in around 2 or 3. The next day I woke up, took an Uber to Old Montreal and started walking. In and out of buildings and shops, through parks, wherever looked interesting really. I just sort of explored. Eventually I stopped into a nice looking brunch spot. I continued to walk and explore. My phone says I walked 15 miles. I found a cool spot for dinner, went back to my room, passed out, woke up and flew home.

    I had Monday off so I flew out Saturday morning and flew home Monday morning.

    It wasn’t wild and crazy, honestly besides that hostel bar I hardly spoke to anyone. But I enjoyed seeing a different place. A place with that kind of age was really interesting. It had been a while since I was somewhere where English was not the dominant language.

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  • MoneyMonkey 7 years ago on A Breakdown Of Your Drinking Habits By Age

    My grandmother is 82 and gets hammered. White wine and Makers are the only thing she drinks. The first time I actually noticed she was going hard was at a brunch in which my mother and uncle carried her to the car. My mom turns to me and says, “you can’t put the wine bottle next to her because she will put a god damn straw in it.”

    She’s my hero

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  • MoneyMonkey 7 years ago on Drunk Teenagers, New Orleans Hookers, And Angry Bachelorettes: These Are The Worst Stories From The Weekend

    I came to from a black out Sunday morning at 7:30 am to the sound of my front screen door screeching open and a knock on my front door. My roommate had gone to the casino while I went out with friends for a typical Saturday night at the bars. I thought “oh no maybe roommate got locked out.” I stumble out of my room and walk downstairs. As I get into view of the front door I see 2 police officers walking into my house. They said that when they knocked the door just popped open which, given my state the night prior, was believable to me. Apparently someone placed a 911 call to my address. The call was a 24 year old girl and male in the background saying “don’t call the cops.” I then had to recount as much of my night I could remember and essentially establish I did, in fact, not get laid last night so no women here officers. Fantastic way to kick off an extraordinarily anxious Sunday.

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