My brother was 28 when he got married and I was his best man. I had turned 21 3 months prior. Our priorities are a little different but we had a real good time in Nashville. We did a couple brewery tours and then hit Broad Street. Kept it simple and he had a good time. Can’t ask for much more.
These actually made me feel a little better. On Sunday, after a lot of shaking and sweating, I decided I needed something in my stomach other than the 4 Boston Kreme donuts my roommate bought. Left with the mindset “get in get out and hopefully I don’t see anyone I know.” As I stood violently hungover wearing slippers and waiting for my tacos, God decided this would be the first time someone would recognize my Sunday Scaries shirt. I was caught so off guard all I could muster was a thanks and a hand shake. So shout out to that dude for riding the wave and sorry my mental state was so fragile that I legitimately was having issues forming words.
Is there a follow up article for queso damage or was that a situation just unique to you
Heard DeMario boxed her out like he was trying to pull down a rebound
Superman by Goldfinger
Love these. Always super helpful.
Would hate to see Todd get cucked by this spin instructor. Wouldn’t be the first time I saw it happen though.
As long as I’ve been readying this is the first Blossom reference I’ve ever seen. Good for you guys.
Is that dude in the second photo rocking Pit Vipers?
Came here just to make mention of Culver’s. It is unbelievable.
Needed Mitch Hedberg to pop into my head this morning
My brother was 28 when he got married and I was his best man. I had turned 21 3 months prior. Our priorities are a little different but we had a real good time in Nashville. We did a couple brewery tours and then hit Broad Street. Kept it simple and he had a good time. Can’t ask for much more.
These actually made me feel a little better. On Sunday, after a lot of shaking and sweating, I decided I needed something in my stomach other than the 4 Boston Kreme donuts my roommate bought. Left with the mindset “get in get out and hopefully I don’t see anyone I know.” As I stood violently hungover wearing slippers and waiting for my tacos, God decided this would be the first time someone would recognize my Sunday Scaries shirt. I was caught so off guard all I could muster was a thanks and a hand shake. So shout out to that dude for riding the wave and sorry my mental state was so fragile that I legitimately was having issues forming words.
I’ve already been asked if I was “crabby” this morning by a co worker. Told her I wasn’t a huge Monday morning guy. Lady just made an enemy for life.
You won’t need Seefood to know that’s Not Hotdog.
See if you can get a higher dosage. Mine is terrible. Sometimes I pop 2 if it’s real hefty. Probably not doctor recommended but I live on the edge
I NEEDED power moves today. Now I’m jacked up and ready to crush these last remaining couple hours
Points. Fuck. Down vote me to hell my ass deserves it
I love the pointe life