so the reason we (as attorneys) still use one is it’s “unhackable” and the only secure thing left–however since it eventually goes into someone’s email address (here and most places I think), it’s still not completely secure.
I love Very Cavallari. Jay is the BEST. she said she was about to sign with E for a Hills reunion when Spencer and Heidi signed with MTV, so hopefully she will go on or something…
your marriage sounds fun. that sounds facetious, but I genuinely like your comments on your wife and in-laws and hope to have the same feelings about mine
I think you need to bring back Conspiracy Thursdays. you can totally write drunk
so the reason we (as attorneys) still use one is it’s “unhackable” and the only secure thing left–however since it eventually goes into someone’s email address (here and most places I think), it’s still not completely secure.
i have no fewer than 3 pairs of heels at work, and that has saved my life more than once.
if I had my way we would eat there every day. <3
definitely can confirm
came here to say this 🙁
I love Very Cavallari. Jay is the BEST. she said she was about to sign with E for a Hills reunion when Spencer and Heidi signed with MTV, so hopefully she will go on or something…
same…maybe because I’m in my 30s and not mid-late 20s. Facebook wasn’t even out my first few years of college (thank god)
this must be why Groupon keeps offering me $10 to Hooters for $0
why are we hoping girl reads the story and contacts dude? Are we just ignoring her casual mention of a BF now?
NO ONE with baby fever should read these. but also, EVERYONE should read these.
having been laid off and had cancer…it all gets better after! 🙂 here I am…working at my dream firm
I’m going to need you to submit this as an OP-ED for some big newspaper and go viral or something.
but…this is not his first article. that didn’t disappoint either though 😉
Why are they private if they want followers?
Seriously confused on people down voting me on that…
your marriage sounds fun. that sounds facetious, but I genuinely like your comments on your wife and in-laws and hope to have the same feelings about mine
I always thought 20 days made a habit. 10 sounds far more doable (yet I can’t ever manage to get to day 2)
just read Jenna’s article…and the food contamination has spread to Trader Joe’s!
if it were just $4.99 I would do it–but I cannot get onboard with the delivery fee plus the prices being higher. I’m too cheap